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Well, my summer vacation is officially here, along with my summer ennui.

I came home Thursday morning, and spent literally two and a half days cleaning my room, no rests. And that doesn't mean putting away my college stuff either, as most of it was duplicate stuff and is in boxes in the basement. But my room is clean now, or at least decently so. I no longer have boxes under the desk, the bed is cleaned out, the closet, everything. We took several trips to carry junk in to the yardsale at the church, and quitea bit of it was my old stuff. While cleaning, I found my TV remote control, which had been missing for a year or two, and some blank tapes that I can recorded on when I was like, eight years old. It's frightening how much I sound like Alyssa...

"Unconscious Rivals" by Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema

So that was one summer goal down. As for the fanfiction, I'm afraid I really haven't worked on those older pieces that need to be finished. I ought to do that. I've worked a good bit on the lotr series, though. I went to work with my mom yesterday, and managed to write ten notebook pages of the lotr fanfic! Quite proud of myself. Also stayed up until 11 something last night reading about Elvish marriage customs etc. I know, I've got more issues than a magazine. :) So yeah, this resulted in me putting out three chapters in three or four days, a feat which I'm very proud of.

So other than that, I've been quite bored. But that might change. I got an email the other day, saying that my Spanish prof had recommended me to tutor during the summer, so the LRC (Learning Resource Center, or tutoring center, for you non-Wilsonites :) wanted to know if I'd tutor in on a kind of free-lance basis, and I agreed. And then today, something was said about working as an interim secretary in the church office this summer. So I need to get more info, because I don't know WHAT is going on. So yeah.

"Silver Favourites" by Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema

Meanwhile, after dance class tomorrow, Dee and I are having a movie night! Yay! We wanted to see Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, but it is unfortunately no longer in theaters (*tear*) so we're gonna rent National Treasure because Dee hasn't seen it, and I'm gonna bring Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, and we're gonna have a good old time! :D

I should probably get back to my old fanfiction works now and actually get something accomplished... 57 more days till HP and the HBP!