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WWE WRESTLEMANIA 19- March 30, 2003

WrestleMania XIX Results:

World Tag Team Championship
Chief Morley & Lance Storm def. Kane & RVD to retain World Tag Team Championship

WWE Cruiserweight Championship
Matt Hardy def. Rey Mysterio to retain cruiserweight championship

The Undertaker def. A-Train & Big Show

WWE Womens Championship
Trish Stratus def. Jazz and Victoria to win the Women's Championship

WWE Tag Team Championship
Team Angle def. Los Guerreros and Rhyno & Chris Benoit to retain the tag championships

Shawn Michaels def. Chris Jericho

World Championship
Triple H def. Booker T to retain world championship

Hulk Hogan def. Mr. McMahon

The Rock def. Stone Cold

WWE Championship
Brock Lesnar def. Kurt Angle to win the WWE Championship