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The third edition of the Slammy Awards took place on March 29, 2006 from the Anaheim Marriot in Anaheim, California.

Best Buns presented by The Godwinns and Hillbilly Jim
Sunny (winner)
Shawn Michaels
Razor Ramon

Best Slammin' Jammin' Entrance presented by Steve Austin and Ted DiBiase
Shawn Michaels (winner)
Bret Hart
The Undertaker

"Put A Fork in Him, He's Done" for Best Finisher presented by Bob Backlund and Scott Reskus
Bret Hart - The Sharpshooter (winner)
The Undertaker - The Tombstone
Diesel - The Jackknife
Ahmed Johnson - The Pearl River Plunge
Yokozuna - The Banzai Drop

Crime of the Century presented by Jim Cornette and Clarence Mason
Vader's assault on WWF President Gorilla Monsoon (winner)
Owen Hart taking credit for Shawn Michaels collapse
Sycho Sid attacks Shawn Michaels
Diesel repeatedly Jackknifing Bret Hart after losing the WWF Championship to him
1-2-3 Kid's fast count on Razor Ramon

New Sensation of the Squared Circle presented by Jim Davidson, Darlene Vogel, and Paula Trickey
Ahmed Johnson (winner)
Isaac Yankem
The Bodydonnas
Savio Vega

I'm Talking and I Can't Shut Up for Biggest Mouth presented by Billionaire Ted
Jerry Lawler (winner)
Dok Hendrix
Jim Ross
Jim Cornette
Brother Love

Best Threads presented by Mr. TV Trivia and Fatale
Shawn Michaels (winner)
Ted DiBiase
Mr. Perfect
Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Blue Light Special for Worst Dresser presented by Mr. TV Trivia & Fatale
Jim Cornette (winner)
Harvey Wippleman
Henry Godwinn
Brother Love
Dok Hendrix

WWF's Greatest Hit presented by Goldust and Marlena
The Undertaker sucks Diesel into the abyss (winner)
Diesel throwing Bret through a table
Jeff Jarrett smashes Ahmed Johnson with a guitar
Yokozuna banzais two wrestlers at once
Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Minds Behind the Mayhem for Manager of the Year presented by Rob Perth
Sunny (winner)
Paul Bearer
Mr. Fuji
Ted DiBiase
Jim Cornette

Lifetime Achievement Award presented by Vince McMahon to Fred Blassie

Most Embarrassing Moment presented by The Bushwhackers
Jerry Lawler kisses his own foot (winner)
Ted DiBiase gets slopped by Henry Godwinn
Bodydonna Skip loses to previously winless Barry Horowitz
1-2-3 Kid dons a diaper
Hunter Hearst Helmsley gets dropped into the hog pen

Squared Circle Shocker presented by Hunter Hearst Helmsley
Shawn Michaels collapses (winner) --- Owen Hart accepts the award for making Shawn collapse
Goldust's Premiere
Barry Horowitz gets his first WWF victory
1-2-3 Kid sells out on Razor Ramon
Bob Backlund declares candidacy

Master of Mat Mechanics presented by Mr. Perfect
Shawn Michaels (winner)
Davey Boy Smith
Bret Hart
Owen Hart
1-2-3 Kid

Best Music Video presented by Dok Hendrix
Bret Hart (winner)
Shawn Michaels
Ultimate Warrior
Jeff Jarrett

US West Match of the Year presented by Jim Ross
Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon in a ladder match from SummerSlam '95 (winner)
Lawrence Taylor vs. Bigelow from WrestleMania XI
Howard Finkel vs. Harvey Wippleman in a Tuxedo Match from RAW
Bret Hart vs. Diesel from Survivor Series '95
Henry Godwinn vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley in a Hog Pen Match from IYH #5

Which WWF champion, past or present, in attendance, is Hall of Fame bound? presented by Gorilla Monsoon
Bret Hart (winner)
Bob Backlund
The Undertaker

Leader of the New Generation presented by Roddy Piper
Shawn Michaels (winner)
The Undertaker
Bret Hart
Razor Ramon

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