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NXT RESULTS - 3/30/10
R-Truth, Matt Hardy, CM Punk & Wade Barrett def. Christian, Carlito, William Regal & The Miz
David Otunga wins an Eight-Man Rookie Battle Royal

NXT RESULTS - 3/23/10
Darren Young & David Otunga def. Michael Tarver & Daniel Bryan
Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel def. Skip Sheffield & Wade Barrett

NXT RESULTS - 3/16/10
CM Punk & Darren Young def. Matt Hardy & Justin Gabriel
The Great Khali def. Daniel Bryan
Heath Slater def. Michael Tarver
Wade Barrett def. Skip Sheffield

NXT RESULTS - 3/9/10
R-Truth & David Otunga def. The Miz & Daniel Bryan
Heath Slater def. Carlito
Justin Gabriel def. Wade Barrett

NXT RESULTS - 3/2/10
Darren Young def. David “A-List” Otunga
Wade Barrett def. Daniel Bryan
Matt Hardy & Justin Gabriel def. William Regal & Skip Sheffield

Christian & Heath Slater def. Carlito & Michael Tarver
David Otunga def. Darren Young
World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho def. Daniel Bryan

Unified Tag Team Champions The Miz & Big Show def. Yoshi Tatsu & Goldust (Title Match)
Ezekiel Jackson def. Christian to become the NEW ECW Champion (Extreme Rules Title Match)
“The Abraham Washington Show”: WWE’s critically-acclaimed talk show host, Abraham Washington, saved his biggest guest for the final episode of ECW – himself. But before Washington could brag too much about becoming a rich free agent in WWE, he was interrupted by several ECW Superstars who had plenty to say about their futures in WWE. Shelton Benjamin, Vance Archer, Vladimir Kozlov and Caylen Croft & Trent Barreta joined Washington and WWE Hall of Famer Tony Atlas in the ring. In true “Abraham Washington” fashion, the show descended into utter chaos. When The Moscow Mauler offered his two cents in Russian, he was mocked by Archer, and Croft & Barreta, prompting Kozlov to attack them with the help of his new comrade, Benjamin.

ECW RESULTS - 2/9/10
Yoshi Tatstu & Goldust def. Caylen Croft & Trent Barreta
Ezekiel Jackson def. local competitor
Shelton Benjamin def. Vance Archer in a No Disqualification, No Count-Out Match

ECW RESULTS - 2/2/10
Vance Archer def. Shelton Benjamin
Yoshi Tatsu def. Trent Barreta
ECW Champion Christian vs. Zack Ryder (No Contest)
Also: In an historic moment, WWE Chairman Mr. McMahon told the WWE Universe about his future plans for ECW on Syfy. In three weeks, ECW will end, but a brand new, innovative, never-before-seen program will premiere in the same Tuesday night timeslot, 10/9 CT, on Syfy. McMahon said it’ll be “the next evolution of WWE; the next evolution of television history.”