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Between Worlds



When You Walk Between Worlds

And In Neither One Belong...

In the Land Of the Living

Or Where Death Sings Her Sweet Song.

You're  Forever In Twilight

Not Darkness Or Dawn...

That Alone, In Between World

Where You've Dwelt for so Long.

Come Out of the Darkness

A Quiet Voice Softly Sings...

Put an End to Your Torture

Come Quickly to Me.

Death Sings so Sweetly

Hypnotic Its Song...

When You Walk Between Worlds

And You Never Belong.

If Only One Step

Into Light I Could Take...

And Quiet These Voices

For Serenities Sake.

One World I Could Live In

If for Only One Day...

Giving End to the Voices 

That In My Mind Replay.

But For  Now In Between Worlds

In Twilight I Walk...

As Deaths Sweet Love Song

Floats Out of the Dark. 

So, I Walk In Between Worlds

And In Neither Do I Belong...

Not In the Land Of the Living

Or Where Death Sings Her Sweet Song.

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