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You Only Ask for Prayers

Our Moments to Remember Family

Is One that's Filled With Care...

Always There to Give their Hand

And Storm Heavens Gate With Prayer.

So Many Are Truly Suffering

So Many Are In Pain...

So Many Lost and Feeling All Alone

Feeling Life Is One Sad Refrain.

We Feel Helpless and often Hopeless

To Do Anything More then Pray...

So Again I stand Before You All

To Humble Myself and Say :

Please Pray for Our Sharon & Family

Whose trials have been so much to bear

Storm the Gates of Heaven

With Your Very Powerful Prayers.

She is Often the First One

Who falls to Bended Knee

When Prayers Are Really Needed

She is Praying For You and Me.

I ask Not You forget Any others

In Our Family of Friends and Even Beyond

For this Gift of Love and Caring

Shall Forever Carry On.


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