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The Gift of Today





The Gift of Today


There are so many trials 

We encounter throughout our lives ...

That we often fail to Remember

All of the things that are right.

Of this I Was so guilty

As I Worried the days away ...

Waking with dread each morning

Wondering how I would make it through the day.

But then I started thinking

This Day I woke up with a deep breath...

Then thought about so many

Who could not do even this.

Then As My legs touched the floor

And I opened the shades to let morning in...

I thought about those who could not walk

Or have Eyes to view the worlds colors blend.

And then I said Good morning to My family

With a voice that carried to their heart...

Then thought about those with no one

Alone, at the mornings start.

Then as I sat with my morning coffee

Thinking of All I had to do...

It was then that began to realize

That this was also a Gift too.

So Many people I don't even know

Won't have this Gift of Today...

And I would bet everything with certainty

If they knew this so much would change.

So, If I can live as I know with All My heart

That I know the number of My days...

I would live each moment to its fullest

In every single way.

I would treasure each day as if it were my last

I would make the time for another...

And thank the Lord for the Gift of Today

The Purpose...To love each other.

I will  live as I know with All My heart

That I know the number of My days...

I will  live each moment to its fullest

In every single way.

Taking the Time to thank the Lord

For His precious Gift of Today.



By Pam Gallo

copyright 2007






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