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Just Be







With These Hands

Alone I stood in Silence

My hands clasped tight in prayer ...

Begging for Your Gentle touch

That I Would feel You near.

The Darkened  Church was empty

As empty as My soul ...

I dropped down to my knees

Tears I could not control.

I found a voice inside me

It was trembling and weak...

And in the deafening silence

I Began to speak. .

I am lost and I am frightened, Lord

I  fear there is no hope  for me ...

I search each Day to find  You

But my eyes Just do not see.

I raised My head to Heaven

Praying I Would See ...

Then In My Heart I Heard You

Saying: My Child ... Just Be.

It was then I  finally understood

In All things Your with me ...

And If I listen to the Silence

There is where You'll be.



By Pam Gallo

copyright 2007






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