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Mommy Why







Mommy Why

Debi Fisher

She waited for so long

And always asked Mommy why

Mommy had a hard time answering

Sometimes it made her cry


Each day she's play with toys

And by night watches just to see

Mommy had to explain

That he wasn't coming back to thee


They years passed quickly by

And still she wondered why

The pain the Mommy saw in her

Sometimes still made her cry


But together they grew up

And close as two could be

Like in a pod side by side

Like the blue is to the sea


The troubles that the two have had

No one will ever understand

But Mommy and her angel

Now have the upper hand


So when the angel wonders

Mommy plants a little kiss

She knows that she will be all right

And he doesn't know what he missed



Written by Debi Fisher


Page Created By Pam Gallo





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