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Unexpected Song




Unexpected Song

There is an unexpected song

That keeps playing in my heart

Coming to fill this empty place

When we are apart.

The tune is oh so familiar

The words from a time long ago...

This unexpected song that brings such comfort

Reminding me of how I love you so.

That Unexpected Song

That gets carried from someplace in time...

Re visiting this  lost and lonely heart

With hopes it will make it shine.

The melody is haunting

It echoes deep within me...

Hearing it over and over

Like the waves crashing from the sea.

The Unexpected song without a name

Lulls me into sweet sleep...

And when I awake with the sun on my face

This peace I pray to keep.

I will hold tightly to this unexpected song

That keeps playing in my heart...

Coming to fill this empty place

For the times when we are apart.



By Pam Gallo

copyright 2007







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