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Wait For Me


Can You Feel Me Drawing Closer

With the Passing of Each New Moon ...

It's been So long We have been apart

Now I am coming back to You.

How Many times I asked You ...

Will You Wait for Me ?

How Many times you assured Me

That We Shall " Always Be ".

Now the time is growing closer

As the nights do meet their end...

I pass the time with thoughts of you

With Memories of When.

In My Sleep I call to You

 Please Wait for Me once more ...

It's then I wake and realize

I am with the one that I adore.

You are laying here beside me

With Moonlight on your face ...

I reach out to touch you

If this is a dream I pray not to wake.

But it's then you look up and smile

Asking , Is something wrong My sweet Lady ?

And Only then can I whisper...

I'm So Happy You Waited for Me.

How Many times I asked You ...

Will You Wait for Me ?

How Many times you assured Me

That We Shall " Always Be ".


For Jean & Hany





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