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Dream Quest

In my dreams I search for you

I wander star to star ...

Your ever so illusive

I can't find where you are .

I will look

Quarter past the heavens ,

One Hour before the Moon...

Moments away from

The big dipper ,

Maybe I will find you.

I race but I can't catch you

I reach but your not there ...

I call and you dont hear me

This seems just so unfair.

Maybe if I search the maps

Written in the Stars ...

Some clue to finally reach you

It couldn't be too hard.

This universe of mysteries

So Vast in beauty galore  ...

Is mine tonight in my Dream Quest

For my spirit to explore

So I will search

Quarter past the heavens ,

One Hour before the Moon...

Moments away from

The big dipper ,

Maybe I will find you.

Only In my dreams I can search for you

Where I wander star to star ...

Though Your ever so illusive

I know that's where you now are .


By Pam Gallo

copyright 2007





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