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The Hunters



The Hunters

Jim Nasium

Once while deep in The Amazon

 I watched the hunters dance

 with raised arms they spun in circles

 chanting traditional hunting songs

Dancing to build trust in their abilities

 there was no time to wallow in doubt

 a small gourd cup was passed around

 filled and refilled with a magical hunting potion

The potions scientific name belongs in parentheses

 right behind the Indian name, chi chi doro

 somewhere on the sketch pad of my colorful past

 unplugged and left motionless for too long now

The fire burned through the night

 the hunters danced and chanted and waved their arms 

women sat and watch in anticipation of the feast to come 

no one seemed to mind me being there

Dawn lights the way for the hunters

 carefully making their way into the jungle

 poisoned arrow waiting in leather sheaths 

on the backs of the brave men who wear them

Spears and blow guns held securely 

sights have been set and goals reached 

the men return slowly to the village

 burdened by the weight of the kill

Women prepare the feast for the tribe 

while the men bathe down in the river

 I sit and write about what I saw 

the air is filled with the aroma of fresh meat cooking

 By : Jim Nasium

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Page Created By Pam Gallo









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