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My Love Story





My Love Story

Debi Fisher


I never knew

The true meaning of love

I could feel the hugs

And was blessed from above


I feel that when God

Sent me to Earth

He planted inside a special seed

For my birth


For I was a little  of Mom

And a little of Dad

But I was me

Thanks to God, I am glad


Life as I knew it

Was just as it would be

Until God showed me true love

Introduce that one man to me


From the first day we met

My heart just grew

And it's not done yet

Our lives are not through


My heart skips a beat

When he enters the room

My eyes just sparkle

With happiness not gloom


He's the love of my life

I know no other thing

He's the love of my life

And makes my heart sing


I never want to be apart

From this man that I love

God's watching O'er us

Protecting from above


Together we'll grow

And old we may become

But my love and I

Our souls are one


So when you see us together

You know we are blessed from above

This is my story ,

My story of love




Written by Debi Fisher


Page Created By Pam Gallo






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