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One thought






Memo Response

Debi Fisher


One thought , one idea,

One word uttered

Shouldn't have said that

But I already sputtered


Now it is out

No taking it back

Oh I feel awful

As my head I smack


These are the words

To all of you who don't think

You just spurt out your thoughts

And forget about stink


But have you 'ere thought

About how hurtful words can be

Most take them to heart

Like you and like me


My father once said

For words you won't lack

But once they are out

There's no going back


So sure you get angry

Sometimes happy or sad

But think of your thoughts

Before they are had


For words can be hurtful

They can break a heart

Be kind to all

And do your part


Next time you feel angry

Or just want to shout

Go before a mirror

And let it all out


Then think what you said

Look yourself in they eye

You'll know you did wrong

If you start to cry


For words can be hurtful

And hateful ,it's been seen

Look to your heart

Cause you're not really mean



Debi Fisher


Page Created By Pam Gallo

Read the Memo Here






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