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Night of Sorrow


Night of Sorrow

There is one Night of Sorrow

That each of us  endured ...

Holding our Heart in bondage

With a pain we can't ignore.

And when that One Night finds us

In anguish we feel we can't go on ...

There we lay in Blackness

Wondering if we shall see the dawn.

Our minds scream, There is no escaping this

 Empty Hopelessness  inside ...

Burning tears of fire ,

Leave trails of despair from our  clouded eyes.

I Know that you have felt this

This  One night Filled of Sorrow...

It seems the destiny of Man

Who awaits Their next tomorrow.

Which Brings  Us to this story

Of another place and time ...

The Story Of a Night  of Sorrow

Where many tears were cried.

Surrounded by the Darkness

I lay upon My bed

Alone and so afraid of life

With deep impending dread.

I lost all that I cared for

There was nothing left for me

For me to want to live again

A miracle I would need.

I've always done it my way

Never would I bend my Will

Now here I lay broken

An empty heart that can't be filled.

Why am I so lost, God

Can't You see My pain ?

Why am I even here , Lord

Is my suffering in vain ?

Why am I so lonely God

In a world that is so full ?

Why is it I always fail

In everything I do ?

Why can't you hear me Lord

Why can't you just see ?

Why won't you just touch me God

And lift this pain from me ?

Maybe I just thought those things,

But  in a frozen moment in time ...

There in my Night of Sorrow

I knelt at Jesus' side.

No words did my ears hear

But My soul was filled with peace

My head upon My Saviors lap

His gentle hand on me.

With one Gentle touch of My Father

The pain within was healed

And all at  once I knew pure love

My Lords sweet Love I could feel.

Every doubt and sorrow

Began to quickly fade...

There is the arms of Jesus

No longer alone or afraid.

I Know that I was not Alone

For Jesus cradled me...

Reminding me of His Night of Sorrow

There in Gethsemane .

By Pam Gallo

copyright 2007






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