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My Shepherd  Joyce C




My Shepherd

Joyce C. Lock


When I make the Lord my Shepherd,
He leaves nothing more to want

He leads me out of my wilderness
To a place where I can feed and rest

He calms the storms within
And heals my wounded heart

When choosing to follow His instruction,
I stop trying to sit on His throne

Then, I can walk through the storm
Knowing evil can't touch me

His presence becomes so real
All else is barely noticed

He directs my every step
So all landmines are missed

His Spirit swells up within me,
My heart overflows with joy 

And the love of God

Begins to exude through me.

It is then that I truly
Dwell in the Lord's House.

And now, I can't imagine having
Chosen to live any other way.

© 2007 by Joyce C. Lock
Please Visit Joyce C Lock

Page Created By Pam Gallo





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