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Last Days of Summer



Last Days of Summer

Painted pictures in the clouds

In shades of pinks and blue.

Fairy tale dreams and love songs

Everyone of them of You.

The soft gentle mist of the salty air

Kisses my half closed eyes ...

Reminding me of Your gentle touch

My heart lets out a sigh.

Will I find you again

When the warm winds blow ...

Will we meet again on the glistening sands

Like in Our time of long ago .

Will these memories of Summer

Be enough to carry me through ?

When each vision my eyes see here

Remind me Only of You.

The sounds of the waves are crashing

Loudly upon the rocks ...

Or is that the sound of missing you

Beating strong within my heart .

Promises of  I will find you again

When the warm winds blow ...

To meet once again on the glistening sands

Like in Our Summer of long ago.




By Pam Gallo

copyright 2007






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