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Sunday Kind of Love




Sunday Kind of Love

Waking next to you ...

On a Sunday Afternoon ...

With nothing much to do ...

A Sunday kind of love for me and you.

The coffee is a brewing

Newspapers on the floor ...

Pillows piled high on our Sunday bed

I gaze at you... The one that I adore.

There is something special

About a Sunday afternoon

With nothing much to do

Except for loving you.

We wipe the sleep out of our eyes

Then let out a little sigh ...

That's when we both decide ...

That on A Sunday we wont try.

Back under the blankets we will hide...

For Its a Sunday kind of Love for You and I.

Its then you smile at me...

That's how I love it to always be

Remembering when we were wild and free

Everyday is a Sunday for You and me.

I love Waking next to you ...

On a Sunday Afternoon ...

With nothing much to do ...

A Sunday kind of love for me and you.


Pam Gallo

copyright 2007








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