What Padre Amaro did to Amelia ?







                                                        The num's Story, 1959.







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        If the world didn't change, I would be a doubtful taking part in religious activities and pray. The same year of my baptism,

        Communist China opened for foreign investment, early 90's Hong Kong economy rocket up, with Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia,

        the four little dragons of Asia created economy miracle.


        I doubt miracle, I predicted economy crisis.




        School lost to mass media, young people worship movie star. Schools were, are doing activities, a lot of activities to dry up teacher.


        I had no girlfriend at the age of 32, not because of homosexual tendency, Hong Kong women were good dam, they block well.


        Did I need to waste my life ?


        There were one hundred and thirty thousand Philippine women working in Hong Kong, I joined their community, I found some

        were as beautiful, obedient, kind, humble, supportive as Mary, Mother of God, I married one, migrated to their country

        in August 4, 1997, two months before the crisis, I should be called a prophet. Catholic is the state religion of The Philippines.






                                              Olivia Hussey as Mary, the mother of God.  Audrey Tauton in Di Vinci Code, Catholic Church's attitude to woman : serve man.


* Olivia and Audrey are not Hong Kong woman.



        New Migrant syndrome troubled me, I asked helped from Hong Kong church.  " We are busy. "  I asked helped from Philippine

        church, " Pray. " and donation.


        Does prayer work ? The Philippines have been praying for four hundred years, doesn't. I did  Bertrand Russell recommended

        --- think.


        Why I came here ?  If Hong Kong was good, I didn't need. What here has but Hong Kong hasn't ?  Is finance a big deal ? What do

        I want ? What do I need ? Is people support the only way to easy my mind ?


        I cured. I also developed an ability of self counseling, something unlike multiple personalities disorder, self counseling is in perfect

        order, the personalities are intellectuals discuss from different points of view. Such therapy only exists under monastery

        condition, in which noisy or busy seldom exist. The Moon, Jupiter, Venus, tree, flower, bird, beach, clear water river always exist.


        The outcome of self counseling ---- New Ideas !






        Second World War




Jesus loves children, Auschwitz, 1945.




        An old question, why it happened ?


        " Those Jews did not believe the son of God, it was punishment. " Most people scared, wouldn't ask any more, pray to avoid



        I were not scared by words, kept on asking --- Why thousands of baby died ? they even did not know who was God.


        " Sacrifice, you remember a lot of babies died for Jesus, so the holy family successfully escaped to Egypt. "


        I am a Bible expert, I also know two more baby massacres happened in old time Egypt. Faithfuls continued, " Jesus is the son

        of God, he gave up his glory of God became man, sacrificed himself to save us. He endured the greatest pain for our salvation,

        he set the best example to us, God will reward the pain suffered in the kingdom of heaven, the more suffer, the more reward. "


        Most people tempted, wouldn't ask any more, pray for more reward.






 Olivia Hussey as the evil Mother Teresa                                                             The holy Adolf Hitler.




        I am tempted too, I want more reward, I have a question --- Do I follow Adolf Hitler or Mother Teresa ? Hitler launched Second

        World War, bringing huge suffering to billions of people, he is the second Jesus, his holy intention was their huge award in the

        kingdom of heaven.


        Mother Teresa was evil, she easy the pain of Indian untouchables, losing their reward in the kingdom of heaven.


        Correct ? Faithfuls will give another explanation, if you are not satisfied, they still have another five. The collection of explanation

        is called theology. I am the very best theologian of all the time because I have known the supreme conclusion :  The way of God is

        beyond people's understanding.


        Wise people or foolish people ?




        Hong Kong Church



        Hong Kong church failed to help my new migrant syndrome, I found out a function of religion --- a mask of kindness, bad people

        pretend good. I don't need, if I love you, I say I love you, I hate you, I say I hate you. Faithful love you say love you, hate you say

        love you.



        " We are busy " but busy on what ? have they ever thought about it ? I doubt. Let's have a case study, vocation. Since the twelve

        disciples, the church never have enough priest, I was a good faithful, I do not rape altar boy, I do not sexual abuse young girl, I had

        priest potential, why I am not a priest ?


        Let me tell you how did the Hong Kong church work in vocation. First of all, fund raising, then opened a mass and pray, the Cardinal

        assignes a vocation committee; opened a mass blessing the committee; meeting;  meeting; Christmas party; opened annual

        thanksgiving mass; happy new happy; meeting; happy Chinese new year; Ash Wednesday, the death of Christ, meeting.


        What did they do in meetings ? Making activities. 1. open vocation mass in all parish; 2. open vocation mass in all school; 3. open

        vocation mass in all hospital; 4. open vocation mass in cemeteries. 5. vocation seminars; 6. vocation writing contests; 7. vocation art        

        contests; 8. vocation singing contests; 9. vocation dancing contests; 10. vocation football, basketball, ping-pong contests; 11. vocation

        variety shows; 12. vocation camps; 13. vocation activities coming.


        Proudly declare, " We have a lot of activities. "


        Dry out, priests ( even those never have sexual intercourse ) have no energy to care young people who have potential.


        Who became priest ? Father Lau Kai Yee, Father John Geoghan, Father Paul Shanley,



        Fr. A was with Fr. Lau Kei Yee in the same parish.






" For example, a photo, the court issued an order, you signed receive, you burn it,

you will be charged destroy of evidence. However, you burn before any order arrives,

you are innocent. "


CSI Stella, NYPD.








        When the court requested Fr. A to present the tape of conversation with Fr. Lau on sexual abuse an altar boy, Fr. A honestly in

        the name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, St. Peter Paul and Mary, presented a statement : " The tape was destroyed. "

        He was an honest man, praise The Lord.  Fr. A was innocent.








                    Steven Spielberg made Indiana Jones in 1981 and 2008, in between, he made space animal, camp, color, sun, an airport, 

                    a man can kill and cook. ( Dr. Jones spoke English when he was in China. )




        I respected Fr. T, he devoted his life to support the most valuable Chinese culture since 1986, I just surfed his website which looks

        like a cover of a tin of Chinese mooncake, sure not the art of Giuseppe Castiglione SJ.  Fr. T  is still devoting his life to support the

        most valuable Chinese culture. If that culture is really valuable, tell Hong Kong children not to study English. Some schools tried to

        use Chinese as a teaching language instead of English, Chinese parents almost burn those schools.


        People go to cinema not go to church because they are materialistic, partly, another part is bored.





The church of The Philippines





