Chinese believe

We have 5000-year civilization, Confucianism, Taoism, Legalism. W e invented compass, gunpowder, printing while The West people were living in caves.

Every word is true, China had a glorious past, PAST !

Modern China since 1978, created economy miracle, The West eager to come to do business with China, they invested very big factories, power plants, production lines, now " Made in China " is the most common label in the whole world.

China is rich, look at the amazing cities, Peking, Shanghai.

1997, China proudly received Hong Kong from Britain, 2008 Peking Olympia Game, China development is fast progressing, China is rich, the future leader of the world.


What about before 1978 ?


         Cultural Revolution 1966 - Dec 31, 1977.   


Great Leap Forward, 1950's


Chinese also believe,

United States of America is a mess, Vietnam War, Middle East War were cold blood slaughters, they bombed nursery, school, hospital, church and Chinese Consulate, killing hundred thousands of innocent people.

Inside is a bigger mess, abuse human right, look at what they have done to the black people. Family problems due to moral collapse, drug, sex, violence, alcohol threaten young people. Adult crazy material life, big car, big house, big diamond, such mad spending is the cause of 1930 to 2008 recessions.

Really, US and The West really a mess.

Americans are not as rich as before. China will replace the world's first superpower in the future.

Future could be next week of next 10000 years.

