United States have won China, how to keep winning ?




the President, Government, Congress, Micosoft,

CNN, Wall Street, gun makers, black people, white people,

gay people, old migrants, new migrants, priest....keep fucking,

on Facebook, Twitter, newspaper, street, comfort room....everywhere !


You can also fuck the the President, Government of China in US but NEVER in China, you dead.



Study Paleoanthropology


Chinese parents asked, " how much a paleoanthropolgist will earn ? "


Chinese parents asked, " how much a hooker will earn ? "

A lot.

Chinese parents said, " We don't have daughters, we have sons "

More, gay hookers are paid double.


So, people of United States, United Kingdom support their young people to be great paleoanthropolgists.

Wait, Peking Man was not discovered by Peking Man, I think a Canadian or German somebody, please google.



Follow Isolation,

use only this ivory products

