-Ants the anteater $12
-Batty the brown bat $12
-Beak the kiwi bird $12
-Bones the dog $15
-Bongo the monkey (tan tail) $12
-Chocolate the moose $15
-Claude the ty-dye crab (bent tag)$6
-Daisy the black cow $12
-Doby the doberman $15
-Echo the dolphin (with waves tush & swing tags) $15
-Erin the St.Patricks day bear $30
-Fortune the panda $20
-Freckles the lepoard $20
-Goatee the goat $15
-Halo the angel teddy bear $30
-Hoot the owl $50
-Iggy the iguana (with Rainbow's tush & swing tags) $15
-Lucky the ladybug$15
-Luke the labrador $15
-Mac the cardinal $15
-Mystic the unicorn (newer version) $12
-Nanook the husky $12
-Nuts the squirrel $12
-Peace the ty-dye bear $30
-Pouch the kangaroo $12
-Princess Dianna of Whales the bear $30
-Radar the black bat (no swing tag) $30
-Rainbow the chamelion (with Iggy's tush & swing tags) $15
-Ringo the raccoon $15
-Sammy the bear $20
-Scat the cat $15
-Scoop the pelican $15
-Scorch the dragon $20
-Seamore the seal (4th gen. swing tag)$175
-Seaweed the otter $15
-Sly the fox $15
-Smoochy the frog $12
-Spike the rinoceros $15
-Spot the dog (with spot) $40
-Stripes the tiger $15
-Valentino the teddy bear $30