"Mike watch your step!!" yelled Joe S.. But it was too late, Mike was already on the second half of his life altering fall into the 4 ft. wide tunnel in the ground at the near by chemical plant.  You may ask me what was Mike and Joe doing at this chemical plant, well they were on there way to a meeting to discuss the making of a new gum they invented : "Superlicious"

Thats right kids its Superlicious!! the only gum that doubles as an ear plug ...........safely.

2 hours later Mike woke up he did not know what had happened he couldn't remember anything.  All he knew was that he ended up in the town junk yard cuddling a trombone.  So he paid the lot owner a dollar and he headed back home with a new present all the while asking himself the same question over and over "What the hell is my name??"

-Maggie is all the way to the left, the one with the trombone