the all new and exciting 8 Over Par

April 2000

We started laying tracks for the acoustic EP and they are sounding really good…….actually much better than we expected … we are pretty excited…….Its still gonna be a good 2 months or so until you hear any of it that is unless you get a preview copy from one of us………we just got some great news though, we are gonna be heading into the studio at "William Patterson University" to record a couple songs for another release……….we are so excited to be so lucky to record in this million dollar studio and really cant wait to hear what we get out of it…………were not really sure what we are gonna do w/ these tracks, maybe use them for compilations, another full length, a split w/ another band, a different EP, but we promise to let you know when it all gets figured out……….we are looking for photographers, artists, graphic designers etc. to help out w/ 8op and our team to design some stuff for the acoustic……we are also looking for a web designer to take over our official website ……...if you or somebody you know may be interested please email us at we'd really apppreciate it…….. otherwise just check out the show page we have some shows coming up………hope to see everybody there……….personal info: Joe enjoyed his spring break in Tampa, Florida where he grew dread locks and learned to play the bongos……..Mike needs a hair cut………Maggie is stressed out……..Steinwand got a new car…….Rollin has given up on girls……..Rob can't seem to get it through his head that Jennifer Love Hewitt is not his girlfriend……………lata

March 2000

ahhh March, what a good month.........dont ya think!!........i dont know there is just something about it, I think its the snow melting.........well this month Mike and Rob will be celebrating there birthdays, thats right the big 19..........i think we may just have a cake or something at our next Palace show on March 24......actually ya know what we will have a cake that day, and you will all hold us to it.........I dont care if we have to leave the Palace to go buy one, there will be cake for our fans on March 24th at the Palace come one come all...............well the month of Febuary was so rad.......i think it may have been one of our best months yet.........."Fuck Yeah!!"oh yeah if you haven't heard yet we have come across this catchy little saying from our kick-ass fans that like to yell it at us at shows please keep the "Fuck Yeah's!!" coming, cause we just love it.......we are now totally set into our new line-up, playing tight with alot of confidence and having a whole lot of fun...........we got to meet and play w/ The Pilfers this month it was so cool........we finally got our long awaited and needed tour van a couple weeks ago and it made its first trip up to Scranton, PA with close to no problems, well except for the weather but we cant help that..........anyway the van's name is "Wendy McRogers" its a navy blue Dodge Ram 350, shes runnin great w/ no signs of slowing down......Personal Notes: Maggie has recieved sponsor ship from the makers of the "Stair Master" so from now on he will be on a "Stair Master" through out the entire show......Steinwand wears boxers..........Joey is ***Now Available*** his ex-girlfriend is stuck in Costa Rica, customs will not let her leave the country..........Mike has a problem w/ swearing alot, we aplogize............Bob has changed his name to Rob, he got a new puppy her name is, Carly, pictures will be up shortly........Rollin was kicked out of his house........anyway all of the shows are updated so go check em out and please come check us out real soon.......

Febuary 2000

Well this Millenium has been goin really great for us...........we have sold lots of CD's and have been getting nothing but good feed back from our fans, so it really makes us feel good........we have been getting booked more than ever and the shows have been lots of fun.........we'd like to personally apologize to Ashley, for the ceiling, some kid jumped too high during "Me Is All I Need" and put his head through her ceiling.......I guess it was mostly our fault we did kinda provoke him.........We've got a whole new line of T-shirts and Long Sleeve shirts that you can order by mail or pick up at all our shows........we also got a bunch of buttons made that are free w/ all mail orders............well anyway we have a bunch of great shows coming up along w/ a show w/ the Pilfers at Sea Sea's..............I dont have all the details on the shows yet so i havent posted them yet........well we have a bunch of new songs that we have been working on and you can look out for an E.P. or a split by us in September.......but thats along way away........just ask us to play some of the new songs at the shows, including a Rocking version of "Bad Hair Day".........we just did an interview w/ a very sweet and fun girl, Lauren from one of the Brunswicks, for her zine.......look for that to be pressed sometime soon.......thanks again Lauren, I hope we didnt bother you too much........Personal Info: Joe Rollin admits to spanking his own ass during sexual encounters........Joe Reo's roomate Keith kicked joe out of there dorm when he caught him singing and dancing nude to Christina Agulera "what a man wants".........Bell can disco........Joe Seinwand got trashed on last sat. and we had to put him to bed, i dont think his parents found out...........Maggie can beat you at twister.........Bob admits to getting played by some chick.........anyway I hope you guys are enjoying your CD's and that we will see you all at some shows comin up.........we'll be at the Palace on Feb. 12th........catch ya later

January 2000

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanuaka, Happy New Year and anything else you happen to celebrate........ technically it is not January yet but if for any reason something crazy goes down for Y2K we'd like to get one last word in.............basically what it all comes down to is "Thank You, Thank You, Thank You" with out "8 Over Par" I dont know what the hell I would be doin with my life. 8op is more than just a band to me, its a family, its a way of life, its never being bored on a weekend night, its 6 of my best friends, its the best feeling in the world, its a lot of hard work, its the best job, it makes me horny, its my master status............ But the fact is with out you the fans we would lose all of that, and we' probly have to go back to selling our sex on the streets of Newton......... and I dont want to, all though it is good money........okay onto the news "PROMO CD RELEASE" at The Palace on the 26th and 27th....please come pick up a copy and let us know what you think....get your copy soon there are only 100 made..........we played I think like 3 shows this month they all went over okay aside from the Ednas/My Superhero/ show at the Palace......those bands are amazing ya should have went........Bob lost his voice for every show cause he got all sorts of sick, but never fear Joe Reo was there to save his ass.....he did a kick ass job, you'll be hearing alot more from him.......Personal Info: Rollin has the meanest dog in the world, it bites your ass when you walk out the door.........Bell got a new German shepard for christmas, Sadie RIP,.........Bob's not depressed anymore and all ready finished writing the 2nd 8op release.........Reo listens to Poison........ Magyar doesnt drink coffee.........see ya

December 1999

ah yes the snow is falling and friends are calling you who!! Okay we just got 100 Limited edition "8 Over Par" promotional CD's made and they are in our possession.....WE WILL be selling these at the next 3 shows coming up...check out the shows page for information. The CD has a total of 13 tracks: My Life, Left Behind, Social Life, Me Is All I Need, A Love Riot, Pick Your Fate, Report Card Day, Foamy Brew, Dont Shut Me Out, Step Away, Sign Your Life Away, Joe Cool, and Brown Eyed Girl. These promos will be just like the Album just with out the mastering, and artwork so pick one up......they make great christmas gifts and or Hanauka.....could be collectors item someday kids. Anyway the real thing if you wish to wait will be out by the end of January. Also check out the new section of the page called "The Caddies" just email for info on how to get your picture or what not for Random news: Joe Reo got into a fight with a 35 year old piece of white trash on Rt. 78 over the weekend, he broke the guys nose who in return came after him w/ a baseball bat..... ....Steiwand has joined the William Patterson Basketball Team.....Bob is depressed......Rolland talks on his cellphone more than ever because he thinks he's the bomb......Magyar knows what the word anungshu means......Bell has torrets. Okay I gots to go Finals Week is getting closer and closer.

November 1999

So november was a pretty exciting and busy month. Even though we only played 3 shows we got a lot of work done. First off, every song is now recorded we just have alot of mixing, mastering, and some of the art work to finish. We still dont have a title please send in your suggestions. Here are a couple we came up with.....Sex,Boose,and Pills......On Sale for a limited time only.....have you seen my vibrator......okay enough of that, i just made those up...for other news we will have new t-shirts finished by the Newton H.S. show.....maybe some earlier. As for our shows this month: Nyack was very good to us, we can't wait to get back up there again. The benefit show in Mansville was ..ughhhhhh...wich is so unfortunate cause it was a benefit for Bound Brook, the town that we consider 8op's home course. Even though we live about 40minutes away, the Palace has been very good to us. As for the Battle of the comment we were so out of tune(my fault)....Face First and Folly both put on great shows so go email those dickheads and tell them to send us some money.....just kidding Congrats guys!! Please come check us out next month we have 3 shows lined up as of now, maybe more.....please check the shows page. We are thinking about burning like maybe 50 unmastered copies of our album....just for get to these shows to maybe get a copie.......I cant promise anything, call in advance to find out 973-347-7743......Alright homeys gotta go.....keep in touch.

October 1999

the last two months just flew by. Well nothing all that exciting really took place but I'll tell you what I know anyway. Well some of you may or may not know that 2 memembers of the group Bob Freeman and Mike Bell joined our friends and fellow punk/ska band Face First. This happened during I dont know, go support them. 8op has landed some rockin shows for the month of november so look out for us well have our dancing shoes on. I dont what els to really talk about. Reo has come out of the closet for the 5th time, we just dont beleive him cause he's always makin out with different girls. He says its just a hobby, but I'm pretty sure that he's straight. Well our studio got painted last weekend, haha, wow thats excitement. Um we played the other night on Halloween. It was for our friend Courtney who lives down near Malboro. Unfortunately Joe Rolland never made it to the show. Asshole ran out of gas, haha. I'm serious, I know I'm a little sarcastic at times. But Joe took a wrong turn and ended up on the side of Rt. 80 w/ no gas. He deserved it. This show marked the are one year anniversary for a private show, our first ever private show was last Halloween at our friend Lara's house. But anyway we had a real fun time at the show, met alot of new cool kids from Manalapin(or something) Oh and the Baked Ziti was incredible!! Okay now I'm hungry, time for dinner!!

September 1999

I just got back from band practice today and I am so happy. I felt so great to play with all the guys again. I'm pretty sure a few of the guys along w/ myself forgot how much fun we have at rehearsal. We got so caught up with our personal lives filled with sex, boose, pills, hookers, and midgets........along with recording that it was great just to have a good old fashion gang bang, I mean jam. It was almost as fun, and I stress the almost, as the time Maggy's little sister Michelle invited us to come hang out with her girl scout friends and play "Pictionary"....Go Red Team....But in more serious news we have 4 brand new songs that I am pretty sure you will enjoy. I am working on putting up the new lyrics now so if you get a chance take a look. Also we got a show lined up for NOVEMBER 5th at the Palace, were looking really forward to that because our old Producer and friend Annie wich runs our old record label Punkture Point Records is putting it on. Email her at and tell her the.....Red Team kicks ass. PLEASE!! PLEASE!! do your best and try to make it out to this would really mean alot to us being that its our first show back and only show for a while. Yeah so I've decided to try and update the news section every month........I'll do my best to full-fill my duties but I cant make any promises. Theres just so much porn on the internet.

August 1999

okay what should I talk about...............okay last nights show at Bizmo's.  We got kinda scared when we showed up and there were like 15 people there but luckily as the night went on a few more people showed up.  First up were our home town friends "The Blithering Idiots" they go to our school and in fact practice like 100 feet away from my house.  They always play good you should definetly check em' out.......but unfortunately this time there weren't very many people there yet.  Up next was "Adams Not Funny" they were really good considering like 3 of there members weren't there but they got the kids up and dancing.  It was like half way through there set when like 20 people showed up so we were really happy...........So we went on it was a really fun show mainly cause the kids were dancing were so cool.........we debuted our new song, a cover of the theme song to "Three's Company".  We decided to have a fight on stage during "Sign your life Away" it was great a kicked Eppy so hard and the best part is it was caught on film........I watch that scene like 30 times in slow motion. We also brought back our cover of "Call Me Al" by Paul Simon.  We hadn't practiced it or played it in like 5 months but it went over great when Obie from Day 19 and the trombone player from Step Lively joined in.  So our set was fun......we gave away a bunch of free shit and just went crazy.  Step Lively kicked ass like always..........but I had to leave early and couldn't catch Day 19 cause I had to drive my little sister and her freind back home.