Joe has had a troubled past as a youngster. Originally from Orlando Florida Joe worked as Disney character for the world wide known theme park "Disney World". You may think oh what a nice sweet guy, but sorry my friends at this time in his life he was far from that. Joe wasn't didn't work the job to help the kids and make some people laugh, he was in it for the sex, boose, and pills. Thats right those Disney characters have a bad habbit of poppin some drugs before poppin there costumes on. At the age of 17 he was fired from his job after revealing has face to a young 3 year old child half dressed as Goofy when he proceeded to tell the girl that he ate Goofy. He headed to New Jersey to live with his 6'10", 300 pound cousin Rich who was an ex-marine. In order for him to stay in the house, Rich ordered him to make trumpet calls to wake him every once in a while. Being that Joe was Bills neighbor it was no wonder that Joe would soon join the band after he proceeded to tell his cousin that he ate Goofy. All though a big man Rich had soft heart and a strong love for Disney Characters. -The Post