Damn you kids!! Joe yelled as he continued to sweep the hallways of Mountain Creek High School. It was now 8:00 and Joe was sweaty, tired, and hungry as he pushe his broom along the dirt, rocks, gum rappers, raptor bites, candy runts, and other papers including some love notes that he pursued to read. While sweeping pass the music room he noticed the light was left on. He entered the music room where he searched for a light switch. It was at this time that he stumbled over a trumpet case and yelled "Jimminy Shmootin Shmakin buzzard!!" As he reached to put the case back he remembered all the fond memories he had playin trumpet in the school band 30 yrs. ago. He decided what the heck and decided to play a little melody. As he put the fine instrument to his lips a burst of energy filled his body and he played and amazing solo with out missing a note. Just then 5 year old Mike Maguyar appeared from the corner of his eyes with his mouth wide open. He said "Wow!! Janitor Joe that was amazing do you want to join my band?" Sure Joe said , then he took the kid out for ice cream.

-The Post

-Rolland is the homeboy in the middle w/ glasses