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Pieomon Page
Monday, 15 December 2003
Smart me...
I finished EE's test today. I think I passed it, which is about all I needed to umm.. pass the class. If I get a C I'm happy. Happy...

RP: I forgot the final part, Rep pointed that out.

While that was happneing, Rain and Walt found themselfes in adajcent cells. The religious Pidgey is below them too. Rain and Walt are really scared, and they lean on each other for support, though not physicaly. A scientist is overheard complaining about having to catch so much pokemon for so little pay because the pokemon are DYING constantly. Rain and Walt's hearts just about stop. The guy leaves, and the pair realize that they're in the same place that experemend on their friend Eevspeon, and Eevee's brother Tori, last time around. RPidgey then pipes up, goes into it's usual preaching, and is trying to instil hope into the lovely couple. The other pokemon (like a Magmar) insult the Pidgey however.

Posted by pe/ANTPIE at 1:59 PM CST
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Tuesday, 16 December 2003 - 1:00 AM CST

Name: Rep

Hey there. Just making an obligatory post, as prompted by TPie.

Well, things look nice so far. Site construction is beyond me at this point, so I can't complain that I could make a better site or anything like that. Even though I could! NYAH NYAH! :P

LOL. Well, it's cool that our stories are starting to get at least summarized for the public eye. Who knows how far this could go one day? Far far in the future, in your geriatric years, you could find yourself entertaining a grandchild eagerly requesting to hear "the one about the Pieomon." That's a sobering thought.

Anyway, TPie, I'm gonna do what I can to help build up this part of the site content-wise. I've got the pic of Eevspeon done, sans leg braces (there was no way to get them down on paper the way I wanted), and I'm working on coming up with an overlay of the ranch and the surrounding area. But finals are priority #1, so it'll be a while.

Keep up the good work! A winner is you!

Tuesday, 16 December 2003 - 1:18 PM CST

Name: Pieomon
Home Page: http://this is my web page you dorks. -_-

"LOL. Well, it's cool that our stories are starting to get at least summarized for the public eye. Who knows how far this could go one day? Far far in the future, in your geriatric years, you could find yourself entertaining a grandchild eagerly requesting to hear "the one about the Pieomon." That's a sobering thought.

LOL, I don't know if our RPing sessions will turn into a legacy for our children.

About the site-structure, it's really lame. :P This webpage you see here (The blog) is automated and made by, my own personal work is found on the main page. You know, the black background with white links that have no revelance or real grouping? I do plan on making it better after finals though, but that'll probley be a tiny bit since I will be working heavly at getting money. Money is my #1 consern because I simply don't have enough and my parents are bugging me enough for not even comming close to paying tuition for college....

My first project though is to simply put a profile of all the characters that appear. Well, at least the main ones.

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