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Pieomon Page
Wednesday, 31 December 2003
New Years Eve, and a deadly reminder...
Yea, I just got a reminder from the Secetary of State that I had been convicted for the moving violation that I had commited during the accident. It also reminded me that I'm still a total dumb $$$. I don't think I'll ever forgive myself over this, since I could of killed my brother, myself, the other people, and that this was all caused by me and me only. Wow, what a way to be feeling for the New Year. And the fact that appearntly I'll be harassed about it for the rest of my life...

Got grades back, depressing too. All B's except Physics Lab (A) and that Electrical Engerning (C). Wow, I hate Electrical Engerning. I can't even spell it, so I'm going Computer Science. I can spell that. The only A was one credit hour, and dind't count as much, so my GPA was below 3.00

What am I doing new years eevee? Nothing. Parents are gone parting with their adult friends, probley drinking a bit of wine too. Unfortnatly they forgot to give us something that we're able ot cook to eat, so I had a Ham Sandwich for supper. Yum! At least I had a cheese potato, those are neat. And we have cookies. Everyone loves cookies.

As for the website work? I'm too busy, I now work extra hours and I'm on call since the only other person who does my job quit Monday. Wahoo. As of the forseeable future, I do not see any breaks comming what so ever, life appears to be nothing but constant working. It took me 2 years to earn 2 days of vacation at McDonalds, so a week off looks far off...

Well, heh, at least I got Mario Bros 3 for Christmas. That's a postive thing isn't it? And I'm reading Harry Potter books, as my online friend Matt S. suggests. They're not that bad. He says the stories get more "mature" and "not for kids" the furture down the book series goes. Right now, I'd have to agree.

Pokemon Status: I won the Beauty Contest with a Milotic! Beauty and Tough down. Alakazam is at L80, 20 away from L100!

RP Status: Rep wasn't able to RP for two weeks straight. One due to sickness and the other due to moveing and other in real life stuff (We both agree that real life stuff goes before anything online, including our weekend RP).

Posted by pe/ANTPIE at 8:31 PM CST
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