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Pieomon Page
Monday, 9 February 2004
In speach class today, we had a little "party" where everyone had a roll (or really, a lifestyle) taped to their back, everyone else talked to the person as if they were that role. THe person did not know what their role was. Guess what I drew? Homosexual. Go figure, people were acting all funny around me, and I knew how it felt to be gay, without the well, gay part. In any case, it did show me how we treat other people based on what's "Taped on their back" and not who they really are, and I learned that I shouldn't go up and start acting funny with anyone who's gay. I do agree that gay = sin, as it is stated in the Bible.

Posted by pe/ANTPIE at 2:42 PM CST
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Lotso Stuff, confusion, and argument grade: F
I find myself a bit confused these days. There's many people that have their absoult openions on things. For example, gay marrage. I've taked to three people about it. One argued (and she's $#@$# good at argueing being a Union Leader's daughter) that we should disband all forms of marrage, a second said that Gay Marrage should be allowed just because of choice and that gays should be happy too. I havn't asked person #3, but him being a big time Christian, (He's also for Chrisianity in the goverment if all possible) he'll say that we should ban gay marriages, on the basis that it's a sin (stated in the Bible. Me? I'm on the "I don't care, do whatever, it's your sin" side.
The reason is that well, they don't hawk me for every sin I have, and believe me I'm full of them. One is the lack of enthusism in the Bible, releative to many I've taked to, but I'm sure there are plenty of other immoral things I do by society's standards even. I'm blind to my own sin.
Anyway, another thing is that I'm a pathetic arguer. I can't argue anything what so ever. I never EVER won a "is the Bible real or fiction?" argument. Never. Every time I lie down convinced that I have no basis of my faith in the Bible. I still contiune on, realizing the key word, FAITH, and that direct and aboult proof that Jesus is Lord and Saviour isn't needed (besides, I do claim I've seen his work) I can't win any argument for that matter, I was convinced that marriages should be out of the goverment compleatly becuase they're religion based (Sep of church and state) till QT Pie got some sence back into me. Marriage is very legalistic, and they don't regulate the traditional ritual, which has religious tones to it (which I'll be parcipating in of course, since I do believe in the Bible)
Social life's a bust. Our dorm wing has LAN parties. Guess what? So far I've successfully loaded 0 games on either my CPU or labtop. -_-, this sucks. So I'm in my dorm room just playing gamecube games while everyone else is in a heated BattleField or Starcraft or HalfLife or Warcraft fight. Notice that I mention no "in real life" people in this blog? I don't have any in real life friends I can chat with. I'm lonely, and I don't get much free time anyway to socialize. I wnated to joina D n' D group but I can't on the basis that I am not willing to stay up till 2 or 3 when I have a 9 o clock class the following day.

We finished the RP. Here it is

RP Update: Anyone care? They're long to type and none acknologes that they read these anyway, and I do feel like I'm wasting my time, considering my poor job of the RP updates anyway.

Posted by pe/ANTPIE at 2:32 PM CST
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Sunday, 25 January 2004
"Preview" Page up

There it is.

Posted by pe/ANTPIE at 12:57 PM CST
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X-Box Gameing without an X-Box, and animal testing from both worlds
Several new pieces of information I though I wish I'd share with you...

Friday I won an X-Box Game, Simpson's Hit and Run, by makeing it farther in the game then anyone else (Only four people tried for it, I was da top! I'm the best!). Bad news? I don't have an X-Box. Go figure. Now what? One person said I should donate it to an orpnanage. Good idea, but I don't think they would have an X-Box (if they did it would make it a great game), and my lack of ability to transport myself stinks, but if the oppurnity presents itself I'll greatly consider it. Hey, God does wonderful things.

About the other half of my title, also on Friday I went to an Animal Testing Faclity as a field trip (our class rented a bus). Kinda worse then what I really expected, but then again I expected total perfect treatment. The only really scarry thing that they do here is that they put the rats to sleep, and then implant some "Hat" that allows the scientists to plug the mice in while they're asleep to messure brain activity. From the way I heard, it's compleatly painless, since the rats are asleep during the implant. They're studing some sleep disorders, and hopefully the testing will help everyone live better.

The other "world" I mentioned is in the RP world, so that's the RP update below..

RP Update: Covers Friday-Saturday. Radian (Ledian) gets POed that Dragonite isn't hopping straight into the action, but Ill and I think Claria (a Golduck that was with Team Omega) convinced Radian to calm down. They plan and figure out something that may help.

Back at the labs, our friend Pidgey who was captured is thrown into the same cell as RPidgey. RPidgey isn't too thrilled about it, but he tries his best not to show that. Pidgey breaks up their prayer sessions and ect. by screaming really loudly that it can't see the sky. Rain(Vaporeon) and Walt (Jolteon) lean on each other even more, even though they can't feel or see each other. Walt's courage comes from his desire to see his brother Alex(Eevee) again.

The 3 pokemon the sages sent (Rep told me the sages were human, not farfetch'd. Shows how much I pay attention) encounters two trainers witha Gravlier and Haunter. Really strong ones too. Wartortle uses his Psychic Armor to stun the two pokes, while Totodole and Charmander run up to sneak attack. But Totodile trips, and Charmander finds himself crushed by a giant bolder from the Gravler. Totodile gets POed and Kos the Gravler, then Charmander busts through the rock with RAGE (seen the TV show? Rage turns Pokemon invincivble. -_-) and Charmander fries the Haunter. The trainers run away, but Wartortle stuns them with Confusion.

Back at the Rep Ranch, they finaly decided to get my group of pokemon involved. They contacted the Pie Gang, and Dewgong, Flareon, Pieomon, Eevee, Hop(Flareon), Lugia (who actualy decided to hold back due to Pieomon negating his psychic powers). Hop and Lugia are Sally (T)'s pokes, not mine. We left just as my guys land at the ranch. The others dind't want Eevee to go, but Eevee said he'd feel really bad if he didn't deal with the guys that had nearly killed his brother (Tori, Eevee).

[edit] You know that bio page I mentioned a few posts back? I decided to make a sample one for Melody (Milotic) just for kicks, and to see how things go... I'll post here when it's up.

Posted by pe/ANTPIE at 11:42 AM CST
Updated: Sunday, 25 January 2004 11:43 AM CST
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Wednesday, 21 January 2004
New Location? Maybe....
One thing I noticed is that now there's many more pop-ups then when I first signed up about.. 6 years ago prehaps? Anyone got suggestions for good websites to move too? The actual move would take forever considering how tiring school has been very tiring and when I'm not at school, I'm working my behind off at work.

Well heck, I don't really see ANY time where I'm not constantly tired, but I'll eventualy have a break before I die. Well, assuming the day of my death is still way in the future. I hope I have my stress managment under controll, I don't want that to do anything.

Posted by pe/ANTPIE at 8:58 PM CST
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Dashing and RPing
I first typed up detailed explaintions of running around like a crazed loon to meet deadlines, but then QT Pie sent me a link. Well, AIM has the BRILLIANT idea of using your top window to access the link. Well, by going to a different page, what I typed went away. Joy!

Anyway, to put it short, I've been spirinting around campus a lot to meet tough deadlines. No details, just a lot of running. Really, I mean SPRINTING. Ever had 5 mins to do something that takes 20 mins to do walking briskly?

RP update:
Rep showed up. He was busy, and still is, but had a few moments to contiune his story. So here goes.

Grand Sage (Farfetch'd) gathers his biggest and strongest pokemon (who he's all trained with psychic powers to some extent.) He also gives his strongest student some "Psy Armor" like Mewtwo's in "Mewtwo strikes back!" except it powers, not restricts, the psychic ability. He sends them off to help the group of pokes that rushed off to save Rain/Walt.

Illumiani (Amparos) busts into Dragonite's lair. Dragonite is in prayer and mediation (he has a link to God). Nite tells Ill to sit and focus on the candle, and says that the candle respersents life. Ill meditates, and (sketchy part, on purpose I supose) sees something. It appearntly was very scarry cuz it broke the mediation, and had Ill pleading with Nite. Nite said it had to be done, and Ill said that "well, I still don't have to like it!". What "it" is, is a question.

Joining what Rep called as the "Misfits", Squire(Pieomon), Racticate, Pidgey, and others (not important this RP day) was on the path. Squire being the "dog" of the group trying to pick up a sent. Eventualy though, Squire trips a wire. He tells everyone that he triped something, and then to duck. Thankfully, since Squire's fast, he gets the warning off in time and everyone doges the flying log. Raticate drops Pidgey, and Pidgey shoots off in circles. A Trainer with a Unsaring comes up, Raticate charges, Rusty (Cyiniquil) also helps out (whoops, guess another one of the group did something), but the trainer swipes Pidgey with a Master Ball and gets away, Squire trying to give chase but falls into a pit. The group pulls Squire out..

And it ends there. What is it about Dragonite that has Ill so scares? I think I know, but I'm not throwing it out just yet, (it could be multiple things), and when will the Psychic group arive to help out? What's happeing with Rain/Walt/Reilgious Pidgey anyway?

Posted by pe/ANTPIE at 8:48 PM CST
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Thursday, 15 January 2004
Sk00l, and energy
Wow, lots of schooling. School started this week, and every day is long. The usual day goes 9 AM to 7:15 PM. Sometimes longer, sometimes a bit shorter.

Got a new roomate. He's a Christian! That's good. We get along well too.

In DDR I managed to pass 6-footers. What kind of level of player am I now since I can do em'? Next step is get the 7 footers down, then I can start doing some Oni courses prehaps?

How can I get a guest book? I don't get much feedback on this site (or the blog really, since that is the only thing that updates...)

In any case, I'm bored. So I'll talk about random stuff...

Favorite Pokemon!
Dewgong. I like Dewgongs. They're nice, they have a sweet tone, they're perfectly white, and Nintendo butchered it's voice in the TV show and the movie (See the first one, it has a lot of Dewgong footage!) I have 7 L100 Dewgongs. In the RP they form a chior where they sing with the non-nintendo voice (it's quite a sound).
Melody (Milotic): In Ruby/Saphire I came to love Milotics, they're just beautiful. My character Melody has had a rough life. Her friend was killed by TR, and she was starved with TR. Eventualy she came to us and now we're trying to calm her down (she has a nasty temper when TR's involved...) I just love RPing as her.

Favorite Food (IRL):
Pepporoni Pizza! And it's considered a pie too. So wahoo!

I'm still Christian. Hasn't changed.

Buddy List count:
About 60 people on the list. 7 I know.

Service using right now:
School provided intenret connection

GameFAQs name:
Pieomon (Level 34)

Favorite SB Email:
Interview (The one with the quote "I was raised by a cup of coffee" -Strongbad as Homsar)

Posted by pe/ANTPIE at 9:58 PM CST
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Wednesday, 31 December 2003
New Years Eve, and a deadly reminder...
Yea, I just got a reminder from the Secetary of State that I had been convicted for the moving violation that I had commited during the accident. It also reminded me that I'm still a total dumb $$$. I don't think I'll ever forgive myself over this, since I could of killed my brother, myself, the other people, and that this was all caused by me and me only. Wow, what a way to be feeling for the New Year. And the fact that appearntly I'll be harassed about it for the rest of my life...

Got grades back, depressing too. All B's except Physics Lab (A) and that Electrical Engerning (C). Wow, I hate Electrical Engerning. I can't even spell it, so I'm going Computer Science. I can spell that. The only A was one credit hour, and dind't count as much, so my GPA was below 3.00

What am I doing new years eevee? Nothing. Parents are gone parting with their adult friends, probley drinking a bit of wine too. Unfortnatly they forgot to give us something that we're able ot cook to eat, so I had a Ham Sandwich for supper. Yum! At least I had a cheese potato, those are neat. And we have cookies. Everyone loves cookies.

As for the website work? I'm too busy, I now work extra hours and I'm on call since the only other person who does my job quit Monday. Wahoo. As of the forseeable future, I do not see any breaks comming what so ever, life appears to be nothing but constant working. It took me 2 years to earn 2 days of vacation at McDonalds, so a week off looks far off...

Well, heh, at least I got Mario Bros 3 for Christmas. That's a postive thing isn't it? And I'm reading Harry Potter books, as my online friend Matt S. suggests. They're not that bad. He says the stories get more "mature" and "not for kids" the furture down the book series goes. Right now, I'd have to agree.

Pokemon Status: I won the Beauty Contest with a Milotic! Beauty and Tough down. Alakazam is at L80, 20 away from L100!

RP Status: Rep wasn't able to RP for two weeks straight. One due to sickness and the other due to moveing and other in real life stuff (We both agree that real life stuff goes before anything online, including our weekend RP).

Posted by pe/ANTPIE at 8:31 PM CST
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Monday, 15 December 2003
Smart me...
I finished EE's test today. I think I passed it, which is about all I needed to umm.. pass the class. If I get a C I'm happy. Happy...

RP: I forgot the final part, Rep pointed that out.

While that was happneing, Rain and Walt found themselfes in adajcent cells. The religious Pidgey is below them too. Rain and Walt are really scared, and they lean on each other for support, though not physicaly. A scientist is overheard complaining about having to catch so much pokemon for so little pay because the pokemon are DYING constantly. Rain and Walt's hearts just about stop. The guy leaves, and the pair realize that they're in the same place that experemend on their friend Eevspeon, and Eevee's brother Tori, last time around. RPidgey then pipes up, goes into it's usual preaching, and is trying to instil hope into the lovely couple. The other pokemon (like a Magmar) insult the Pidgey however.

Posted by pe/ANTPIE at 1:59 PM CST
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Sunday, 14 December 2003
Saddam captured

In case you missed it, we apperantly have captured Saddam himself. Bingo, Hahahhaa! <--Mario quote (Mario Kart).

Nothing new has happened between now and yesterday besides a few links and a RP update... <-- how to be an evil overlord.

RP update:
Back in Kanto/Johto, we look at Reptile402's ranch. Raticate and Pidgey, happen to be visiting for some reason, the other Pie Gangers are back at my place under Sally(T)'s watch. Rep's Jolteon Watt (who is Alex's(Eevee)'s big formar Military brother) finaly got up the courage to talk to Rain(Vaporeon), who he's kinda in love with. They meet at a beautiful lake and have a really nice time together. Aww. Then Cubone and Duncan(Farfetch'd) come in and ruin the fun, cuz they were spying. Rain and Walt make them go away, and contiune on. Suddenly, BANG! Flash gernade stuns them both and then masterballs capture both. Cubone and Duncan were still watching though.

Back at the ranch, Eevspeon (deformed eevee stuck between "eevee" and "Espeon") starts having nightmares, being sorta psychic. So does Ill (Ampharos, who apperantly has psychic abilities). They set out to investigate. Meanwhile, the two kids (Cubone,Duncan) run to Raticate and Rusty(Ciniquill) who's watching MTV. They speak so fast Raticate thinks they're whineing that it's raining outside and dismiss them. Ill shows up, and evnetualy gets the story. The lot leaves, Ill and Eevspeon stay behind. They find footprints and they follow a trail.

Ill and Eevspeon watch their super-de-duper omega advanced radar system. They know that the people uses cloaking devices of great maginitude before (they've cloaked an entire island!). Evnetualy they figure out the MasterBall deal, and they watch the little group on the radar. Suddendly they dissapear too, apperantly entering a cloaking field too. Now Ill and Eevspeon can't see what's going on...

ANd that's it. Unlikely for much of an update for a while, Rep and I have finals this week.

Posted by pe/ANTPIE at 12:35 PM CST
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