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Arequipa: Twelve Thousand Years of Art and Culture

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On August 5th 2000, CIARQ unveiled an exhibition of artifacts, photographs and images entitled Arequipa: Twelve Thousand Years of Art and Culture.   The exhibit was designed to present and explain the depth of history represented in the Arequipa Valley.  This exhibit coincided with the 460th anniversary of the founding of the city of Arequipa by the Spanish on August 15th, 1540.  The artifacts represented the 5 major time periods of prehistoric occupation in the Arequipa Valley, Archaic, Formative, Middle Horizon, Late Intermediate and Late Horizon.


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Archaic projectile points (10,000-3,000 BP) and La Ramada style ceramics (Middle Horizon, AD 700)


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Wari style ceramic, belt and painted stone (placa pintada).  Middle Horizon AD 500-1,000


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Wari style ceramic and painted stone (placa pintada). Middle Horizon AD 500-1,000