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Photograph Copyrighted to Vadim Sidorovich

Playfully the wind nips as it glides, skating along various snow dunes, where it pounds its way sending a fine silvery shimmering shower heavewards before falling downwards in a fine chilled mist. Here the nights are endless and the days covered by slate gray skies. This is Niev'xithlic, the Frozen Lands.

Only, the most hardiest of souls survive in this land of fragile dangerous cold beauty. Summer is never known here and yet life has found a way to thrive.

You will find wonders of the imagination in this frozen desert, but is it barren? The Lady's Veil or the Northern Lights, shimmer like a thousan jewels across the starry velvety ebon heavens with each undulation of its dance, the Veil triggers the Celestial Chimes,a song of haunting beauty. There are perilous worlds of subterranean beauty that await to be mapped and discovered. Glacial lakes reflect the area's beauty in their mirrored black surfaces.

Recently, rumors have been circulating that there are cities of ice to the West of the Fur'xithlic Mountains.

These are also known as the Lands of Ice and White Fire. Yes, in these so called barren landscape there is a rare elemental that is white and flickers like a flame, almost vaporous. It burns like the more familiar element we know as fire. However, unlike the more familiar element we know, white fire when in contact with heat turns into quick silver like substance. Its properties are only recently being studied and investigated.

Midi of Driven Like the Snow, Copyrighted to the Sisters of Mercy