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Image Copyrighted to Gilbert Williams

On the farthest tip of the planet, one will find an enchanting isle of open air courtyards and palaces. The bearing of weapons or arms of any type is not allowed on the Isle of the Muse. This is a place where scholars from all walks of life gather to exchange ideas and persuade higher learning. The Great Lyceum is the center of life here. The climate is fair and pleasent all year round.

Image Copyrighted to Gilbert Williams

There is a place where reality and illusion merget to create a thick veil of mysts. As you step further into the forests of the Muse, you sense something different --- is it fear or enchantment? Pockets of fog rise swirling around your ankles like small hissing serpents, you feel a sense of dread and turn heading back to sunlight world of the Lyceum. This place hides the Academia, the place for those who weild magic and command the unsee forces of nature and of the supernatural. Only those gifted can cross through the threshold between reality and illusion into the other side.

Once, you have cross the threshold the veil of mysts lifts to reveal a shoreline. The huanting song of a horn is heard in the distant. You see a dark silhouette approach the shore on the dark undulating waves. To your relief it is a boat with a single muscle endowed oarsman. He is here to take you across the drizzle and mists to the place where mages, wizards, and all those in persuit of most primordial powers study.