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Photograph Copyrighted to Chris Robisch

The forests are located in the airy dry lands of the Eastern Deserts over the Ka'liri'hairie Mountains to the east of Ara'gath, City of Wind and Sand.

Scarlet hued sands cover the landscapes. Large nearly spherical blood colored boulders dot the alien landscape of this forest of stone. Only low laying shrubbery survives here. The days are scorching hot that only the foolhearted would dare go about uncovered. At night, the temperature plunges to a chill that permeates to the bone. Why would any one venture here? The beauty is hauntingly mesmerizing with the endless shower of falling stars that seem to fall like an orchestrated symphony. Wondrous icy crystal spread with the first chill of the night across the sands to only vanish with a mere whisper with the coming sun.

Various natural hot springs offer release from the daily hassles and pressures of life. There are various lakes; however, hone must becareful of which one takes a drink from. Some lakes are acidic and deadly. Usually, one can tell which lakes are dangerous by the smelly fumes that litter their shoreline forming thick veils of mist. It is heed to pay heed to your scent of smell in this airy land.

Do not think that there is no life here, for life has found a way to thrive.

Only the thick thorn covered Bleeding Thorn Tree is the tallest form of vegetation found here. Individual thorns grow between a foot and two feet in lenght; however, they provide nourishment for desert travelers and creatures. Hack off a thorn, and one will find sweet cool life giving water to drink. Peel back the thick hide from the thorn husk, and one will find soft succulent meat that provides rich protein to fuel the body. The tree is in actuality a tubular plant and not a tree. It's trunk is hallow and fleshy.

It is usually unwise to travel alone in these unforgiving lands. One not only is at the mercy of the elements and desert creatures, but at the mercy of bands of thieves and assassins that make this their domain. More than one caravan has found their end here en route to Ara'gath.

Welcome traveler to the Russet Stone Forests of the Ka'liri'hairie Territory.

Midi of Ojos A Si, Copyrighted to Shakira.