Welcome and enjoy ur stay at my cemetery
Sexy, Seducing, yet Scary & Deadly
I Like this Picture because she looks some where in between dead and alive.......
Talk about dark & lonely plaes..sexy?
U can order ur Coffins & Thombstones in advance...~laugh~
Just go ahead, & browse through..
This page is under HEAVY construction because I have no idea what to do with it yet!
There is a place called the haunted wood
it is quite far away,
The ladies dress, all in white, as not to give
themselves away.
Young children who died long ago,
Linger there as well,
They put their icy fingers on your
Shoulder when it's dark,
They whisper in you ear at night,
They wish that you would die of fright,
The skeletons that are full of bloody flesh
Hanging off their bones, they stop and stare,
As you pass bye, they sit and stair until you die,
There is a place called the haunted wood,
A wonderful place it is, just hope that
You will never stumble upon it, in the dark twighlight.
They say that good intentions
pave the road to hell
Uncontrolable urges...feel the itch again..?
u might as well go on to the next cemetery page
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