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Poems and Quotes

Dream of me

Dream of me while I'm away
Remember my soft lips on yours
The way we melted together form a single touch

how can we forget
Eyes that connected from afar
Silent captivities of one another's presence

Smell my presence even though I'm gone
taste the power of out attraction
Do not be sad for I am here

Always in my heart and my mind
Fear not for we shall be toghether
If not today then surely tommorow

In your bed, lying in the silence of another day's end
be assured that I am there

-Author unknown-

Do I hurt you
when I touch you?

Was that a shiver?
or a quiver?

tell me where
you're there?
taunt me
haunt me
as long as you want me

- Do you Love me ? D.R Laing -

My heart was taken
It's still all shaken

My heart was stolen
It's still all swolen
My heart was used
It was abused

His name is engraved
Oh- so deeply
Couldn't he just have behaved
And left my heart
Untouched and saved


Take this pill
to help you not to shout
it takes away the live
you're better of without

-Do you Love me?,R.D.Liang-

I don't feel good
therefore I am bad
therefore no one loves me

I feel good
therefore I am good
therefore everyone loves me

I am good
You do not love me
therefore you are bad. So I do not love you

I am good
You love me
therefore you are good. So I love you

I am bad
You love me
therefore you are bad

- Knots, D.R.Laing -

I've lost it
Lost what?
Have you seen it ?
Seen what ?
My face

- Do you Love me ?, D.R.Liang -

Kleine druppels die glijden
over mijn wang
Zilver van kleur en zacht
als kleinde diamantjes
Zo mooi...
Zo mooi als jij en mij

Kleine druppels die glijden
over mijn wang
Zilver van kleur en zacht
Ze vallen kapot
op mijn hand
Net als jij en ik

- Author unknown -

You confuse me
You ruin me
You exite me
You Love me
You leave me
Oh - you confuse me


Your Salutation

It is true love because
I put on eyeliner and a concerto and make pungent
observations about the great issues of the day
Even when there's no one here but him,
And because
I do not resent watching the Green Bay Packers
Even though I am philosophically opposed to football,
And because
When he is late for dinner and I know he must be
either having an affair or lying dead in the
middle of the street,
I always hope he's dead.

It's true love because
If he said quit drinking martinis but I kept drinking
them and the next morning I couldn't get out of
He wouldn't tell me he told me,
And because
He is willing to wear unironed undershorts
Out of respect for the fact that I am
opposed to ironing,
And because
If his mother was drowning and I was drowning and
he had to choose one of us to save,
He says he'd save me.

It's true love because
When he went to San Francisco on business while I
had to stay home with the painters and the
exterminator and the baby who was getting the
chicken pox,
He understood why I hated him,
And because
When I said that playing the stock market was
juvenile and irresponsible and then the stock I
wouldn't let him buy went up twenty-six points,
I understood why he hated me,
And because
Despite cigarette cough, tooth decay, acid
indigestion, dandruff, and other features of
married life that tend to dampen the fires of
We still feel something
We can call
True love.

- Author unknown -

~ Forgiveness is the key to happiness ~

~ A good man is so hard to find - a hard man is soo good to find ~

Poetry pages

Catch a Rainbow