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Week Four Outline

Monday (half hour session)

The first session of the week looks at the 'Spot the Difference Activities' for Levels four, five and six. This activity expands on the previous weeks however there is an increase in difficulty. Again, one child utilises the computer, while the other uses the concrete resource materials in the resource package. An increase in their proficiency of description is ultimately the desired outcome of this session.

Spot the Difference Activity- Level Four

Spot the Difference Activity- Level Five

Spot the Difference Activity- Level Six

Wednesday (half hour session)

To reaffirm their competency in description and position, Barrier Game Two- "Missing Candles" can be employed to support the teacher's assessment of their oral skills and their understandings of these concepts.

Friday (half hour session)

This activity emphasises effective cooperation between the students so as to successfully sequence the provided picture cards. The sequencing is a result of competently reading through the related descriptive cards located in the resource package.

The outcome of this session, the last in our four week program, seeks to assess the student's progress in oracy and reading through accessing such language processes as describing, defining, reasoning, agreeing and disagreeing, clarifying and comprehending the given stimulas.

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