Items list

Item . Cost . Location . Attributes
Potion . 50 gil. Any Shop . Restores 30 HP
Hi-Potion . 200 gil .Any Shop . Restores 70 HP
X-Potion . 700 gil .Any Shop . Restores 150 HP
Ether . 200 gil .Any Shop . Restores 20 MP
Hi-Ether . 600 gil .Any Shop . Restores 50 MP
Elixer . 000 gil. Deep Dungeon . Restores All HP & MP
Antidote . 50 gil .Any Shop . Cures Poison
Eye Drop . 50 gil .Any Shop . Cures Darkness
Echo Grass . 50 gil .Any Shop . Cures Silence
Maiden's Kiss .50 gil .Any Shop . Cures Toad
Soft . 100 gil .Any Shop . Cures Petrify
Holy Water . 2000 gil. Any Shop . Cures Undead
Remedy . 350 gil .Any Shop . Cures Poison, Darkness, Silence, Toad, Petrify, Sleep, Confusion
Phoenix Down .300 gil .Any Shop . Revives faint and restores a small amount of HP
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