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Homer's Cycles


This informations was taken off information at one of the Varix links.


All people are different, thus all need a different cycle, there is no universal cycle for anyone. Some suffer from gynecomastia, some burn fat faster, some will suffer from side effects, etc.

DO NOT MAKE YOUR OWN CYCLES if you are not knowledgeable. I am giving you some recommendations here, but if you are not experienced user, please post and let someone else help you.

Before you can even consider a cycle or using AS, think......."How long will I be able to eat right and train hard? How much money I can spend? What goals do I have (burn fat, gain muscles, etc.)?"

I am here to tell you, if you are not eating right and alot, taking in good amounts of protein, carbs, calories, and drinking ALOT ALOT ALOT of water, you will minimize your gains. Also, be sure to sleep ALOT. Get to bed earlier. You body needs the time to recoup and re-energize.....and more GROW.


The best cycles are those that last a short period of time. These cycles usually last 6-8 weeks because the most muscle gain come in the first month of the cycle.

Most peoples favorite cycles are cycles with strong anabolic and androgens 3-6 weeks and then 3-8 weeks with tapering off.

Please note that tapering off is very, very important period. If you feel that you will not have enough money for it, do not do cycle. You will lose much and you will feel very bad. The only one you don't taper off is sostenon 250, durateston 250, omnadren 250, etc...(a self-tapering roid).


So, what to start with ?

I would recommend everybody to start cycle with strong androgen stuff like every Test, D-bol, or anadrol (only if experiencd)etc. Start with high dosages and then slowly reduce it.

I know that some people prefer to start with low then high and then low dosages. OK, it is another possible solution, but this is my own personal opinion.


One AS or stack it ?

Stack, absolutely. UNLESS it is your FIRST 1-3 cycles. Then us more than one AS in one cycle. If you want to taper off, you have to stack it. For example some favorite stacks are Nandrolone/Testosterone, Nandrolone/Stanozolol, Methenolone/Testosterone, etc.

If you hit your receptors from various sides, effects are better. You fill your receptors with one AS and when this AS is not effective, you change it and another AS will hit receptors again.


Should I taper off ?

YES. You must. I know lots of bodybuilders that forget to taper off. They gain 10-25 lbs and in next 2 weeks after cycle they lose 8-13 lbs. And when they taper off properly, they lose only 2-7 lbs. It is big different.

Taper off does not mean only reducing dosages, but also use of drugs like Clomid, Clenbuterol, HCG, Proviron, etc. Taper off drugs can be divided into the following groups:

~~anti-catabolic drugs (Ephedrine, Clenbuterol) can take for another 2-8 weeks after cycle (2+2, every day, 2 weeks on and 2 week off, etc.)

~~drugs, which helps to start body production of test (HCG) take for 1-2 weeks after cycle, 2500 IU a week

~~anti-estrogen drugs (Proviron, Clomid) take for 2-4 weeks after cycle (not with HCG - after HCG)


Here are some examples of different types of cycles. I will explain some points for every cycle:

Diamond Pattern Cycle:

Week 1. 200 mg

Week 2. 250 mg

Week 3. 350 mg

Week 4. 400 mg

Week 5. 350 mg

Week 6. 250 mg

Week 7. 200 mg

Oh, well known cycle. Would recommend for beginners. Good gains, good reducing. Use for Deca - it is NOT necessary to use HCG and anti-estrogen drugs unless signs of gyno appear, but it if you got it, it never hurts.

The Increase-as-you-go Cycle:

Week 1. 200 mg

Week 2. 250 mg

Week 3. 300 mg

Week 4. 350 mg

Week 5. 400 mg

Week 6. 500 mg

If you stop after week 6, will lose much. Use as a part of more advanced cycle as in this is a test or deca dosage in which you add an oral or something starting in week 4 or 5.

Decrease the days Cycle:

day 1. 250 mg

day 14. 250 mg

day 24. 250 mg (or 500mg)

day 31. 250 mg (or 500mg)

day 38. 250 mg (or 500mg)

day 44. 250 mg

day 49. 250 mg

day 54. 250 mg

Another well known cycle. Use for Sustanon. Good gains. Can be used by beginners. But for advanced users, stack with an oral....dbol for size, winny for strength, ad-50 to blow up.


Week 1 Test and dbol (any fast acting androgen steroid will work).

Week 2 Same as week 1.

Week 3 off

Week 4 HCG and Clomid.

Week 5 Primobolan and Deca (any high anabolic and low anadrogenic steroid will do)

Week 6 Same as 5.

Week 7 Same as 5.


This cycle should be fairly safe to your body. Never used it but heard good things about it for beginners.

Dianabol cycle:

Week 1. 25 mg (30,35)

Week 2. 35 mg

Week 3. 35 mg

Week 4. 25 mg

Week 5. 15 mg

Week 6. 10 mg

This cycle is just an example, but it should look like that. Start high and then slowly down. Another way is to change D-bol after 3 weeks of use with another one (Anadrol, Andriol).

More advanced cycles:

D-bol + Deca

Week 1. 35 mg 200 mg

Week 2. 30 mg 400 mg

Week 3. 30 mg 400 mg

Week 4. 20 mg 400 mg

Week 5. 10 mg 300 mg

Week 6. 5 mg 300 mg

Simple, but bear in mind to taper off.

D-bol + Deca + Sustanon (or another Test)

Week 1. 35 mg 200 mg 500 mg

Week 2. 30 mg 200 mg 500 mg

Week 3. 30 mg 300 mg 500 mg

Week 4. 20 mg 400 mg 250 mg

Week 5. 10 mg 400 mg 250 mg

Week 6. 5 mg 300 mg

Week 7. 200 mg

D-bol + Deca + Sustanon (or another Test) + Clenbuterol (or Ephedrine)

Week 1. 35 mg 200 mg 750 mg

Week 2. 30 mg 400 mg 500 mg

Week 3. 30 mg 400 mg 500 mg

Week 4. 20 mg 400 mg 250 mg

Week 5. 10 mg 400 mg 250 mg

Week 6. 5 mg 300 mg 250 mg 120 mcg

Week 7. 200 mg 120 mcg

Week 8. 120 mcg

Week 9. 120 mcg

Complete D-bol:

D-bol Deca Sustanon Winstrol depot Clenbuterol HCG Clomid

35 200 750

30 400 500

25 400 500

15 400 500

5 400 250 80 mcg

300 200 mg 120 mcg

200 150 mg 120 mcg 3000 IU

100 mg 120 mcg 3000 IU

120 mcg 100 mg

120 mcg 100 mg

50 mg

Deca + Sustanon:

Week 1. 200 mg 750 mg

Week 2. 400 mg 750 mg

Week 3. 400 mg 500 mg

Week 4. 400 mg 500 mg

Week 5. 300 mg 250 mg

Week 6. 200 mg 250 mg

Anadrol + Deca:

Week 1. 100 mg 200 mg

Week 2. 100 mg 300 mg

Week 3. 75 mg 500 mg

Week 4. 50 mg 400 mg

Week 5. 25 mg 300 mg

Week 6. 200 mg

Anadrol + D-bol + Deca:

Week 1. 100 mg 200 mg

Week 2. 100 mg 300 mg

Week 3. 75 mg 400 mg

Week 4. 40 mg 400 mg

Week 5. 30 mg 400 mg

Week 6. 15 mg 400 mg

Week 7. 5 mg 200 mg

A good change is from Anadrol to D-bol. Very fast and big gains. Need tapering drugs !!! Use HCG, Clomid, etc. Somebody will need anti-estrogen drugs like Nolvadex to prevent gyno.

Anadrol complete:

Anadrol D-bol Sust. Andriol Deca Winstrol D. Clen. HCG Clomid

100 250 200

100 500 300

50 750 300

40 750 300

30 500 300

20 500 300

10 250 300

250 320/day 200 200 120

320/day 200 120

320/day 150 120 3000 IU

150 120 3000 IU

120 100

120 100 120 50

For experienced users. Good combination of strong AS in first weeks (Anadrol, D-bol, Sustanon) and combination of weak androgen AS in the following weeks. Taper off with Andriol and Winstrol is good. Both of them have no influence to your body production of test and still keep your test high. Then follows HCG to start your body production and continues with Clomid. It is good to add Deca to all of my cycles to prevent injuries and your joints pains.

Winstrol + Deca

Week 1. 30 mg (2 amps) 200 mg

Week 2. 40 mg (3 amps) 400 mg

Week 3. 40 mg (3 amps) 400 mg

Week 4. 40 mg (3 amps) 400 mg

Week 5. 30 mg (3 amps) 300 mg

Week 6. 10 mg (2 amps) 300 mg

If you add some Ephedrine (or E/C/A stack) to this cycle and you will eat right, I can guarantee, that you will gain muscles and will lose fat at the same time. Of course better would be use Winstrol Depot instead of tablets.

Winstrol + Deca + Primobolan

Week 1. 2 amps 200 mg 100 mg

Week 2. 3 amps 400 mg 200 mg

Week 3. 3 amps 400 mg 300 mg

Week 4. 3 amps 400 mg 200 mg

Week 5. 3 amps 300 mg 100 mg

Week 6. 2 amps 300 mg 100 mg

Can be used as a cutting cycle. Taper off is not necessary, just maybe only some HCG at the end of the cycle. --------------------------------

Well, that is just some cycles of use. Before you start one, be sure to do your homework! Email or post a message on the boards asking for help. It is your body and you should care enought to take care of it!

Once again, if you have never used AS, it is a good idea to use 1 single AS. Work your way up.

Also, it is usually good company policy after an 8 week cycle to wait about 6-8 weeks before starting another cycle. About the same time you were one, is the amount of time you need off!