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Windows tips and tricks

Micro$oft Windoze - users... hated by the hackers? Windows is too easy, too “soft”. Unix (or variant Linux) is the only *real* operating system. “Windows” of “Mac” keeps you stupid: you just don’t learn how the clock is ticking underneath that metal case. Up to a certain level, this statement is true. Someone who only clicks on icons, won’t learn much about computers. If you drive your car, and you have a flat tire, you know what to do. But if the computer has a defective part, or wrong software configuration, do you know what to do? So...

1. Learn Dos!

If you know 15 Dos-commands, you know enough to start up your computer from a bootable floppy, and correct problems. Don’t you have a bootable floppy? Shame on you - you don’t have a “spare wheel”. The command “sys a:” is all you have to do.

When you click on icons, certain commands are executed, but you don’t see them. Do you know what happens, if you type the command “echo y |format c: >nul”? (Don’t try that! It would format your HDD unconditionally!) Or the command “copy c:\autoexec.bat prn”? (You can try that, if the printer is turned on). It’s not that difficult. See my Dos-page for more commands.

2. Experiment!

On my Win 95-desktop, there’s no “Inbox”-icon any more. I was tired seeing that, and I didn’t use Micro$oft Exchange anyway. I can even delete the trash can off my desktop. With one Dos-command, I start my internet dial-up connection. I don’t have to see that stupid arrow “Click here to start” any more. I already figured out how to click on a button “Start”. Don’t show that arrow all the time, Mr. Gates, or we’ll have to throw with pie again ;-)

Conclusion: try and experiment. Your computer won’t fall apart just like that. I’m not suggesting that you have to “experiment” with a welding torch and chainsaw, but you should try to understand the software. Of course you can’t just delete any file. Did you notice that in the Windows 9x - command prompt (Start button, Run, -type- “command” + Enter), the commands “cd...” en dir *32*.* also work? The first command will go back two steps in the directory structure immediatly (or more, if you use more dots), the second command shows all files where the number “32” occurs in the name. So the wildcard has been extended.. Type “exit” in the Dos-window to close it, or Alt + Enter to maximize / restore the window.

Advanced ursers certainly tried the command “sysedit”. Another nice command is “control main.cpl” of “start control.exe access.cpl”. For your dial-up internet account, try the command “rundll32 rnaui,RnaDial (here the name of the connection in “my computer” - “external access”) This command is case-sensitive. In my case the command is “rundll32 rnaui,RnaDial Online”. Internet-connection started with one Dos-command. Hello Linux - you recognize the picture? Of course, the program “rundll32.exe” or “rundll.exe” calls a function in a .dll. You can test other .dll’s and functions with it.

3. The registry

The registy replaces the former startup files “autoexec.bat”, “config.sys”, “win.ini”, “control.ini” and all other “.ini-files” of the previous Windows 3.xx versions. Using the registry, you can do about everything you want. Also delete icons that won’t let you delete them (road sign cursor) - like the Inbox icon. You can look at the registry and change settings, with the command “regedit”. (Start button, run, type “regedit” + Enter). The files that regedit opens are c:\windows\system.dat and c:\windows\user.dat. Backup these files first (copy to i.e. c:\.) if you’re not sure what you’re doing. If your registry is damaged, it may be that windows doesn’t start. In that case, you can copy the backup files to c:\windows again, and everything is back to normal.

How do I delete an icon or file, without filling up the trash can? Try pressing the “Shift”-button, if you drag something in it. Or just type “Shift” + “Delete”. Be careful with what you delete this way, it is very difficult to “Undelete” in Windows 9x.

How do I delete the arrow “click here to start” ? Start regedit, go to the section HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer. If it isn’t there yet, create a binary value, and call it “NoStartBanner”. Dubbelclick it, and give it the value 01 00 00 00, and click on the “OK”- button. Repeat the same steps for the section HKEY_USERS\Default\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer

Try to press the keys (Shift) + (Ctrl) + (F10), if you’re in a hopeless situation in the game Freecell. Nice huh? All the results of this game are saved (Freecell menu: Game - Statistics). Now, start regedit, and go to the section
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\FreeCell. Values like Wins and Won, and all other values are all there. You can change them manually, like if you won 10,000 times and never lost. Remember, values are in hexadecimal, so you have to write 10,000 as 2710 or 1000 as 3e8. Confusing, but the standard Windows calculator can help you: try the “scientific” view, type any value in decimal, then check the “hex”-stuff.

On a Windows 9x - computer, there are at least 9 ways to start a program automatically, at the startup. Using the registry (Run, RunOnce, RunServices, and RunServicesOnce), or if you append a line (i.e.”win c:\program files\msword\winword.exe”) in the file c:\autoexec.bat, also in the file c:\windows\win.ini - section run=<name of program>, if you make a file winstart.bat with a specific command in it, or do the same in a file “win.bat” in c:\windows. Oh, of course, you can also drag a program or shortcut in the startup group.

Al the commands you ever typed with the <Start Button, Run>, stay visible. Also for the sysadmin! How to delete them? If you installed MSIE 4.01 with SP1 - you can clear the history, that will do the job. But if you have another version: use the registry. Go to the section HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RunMRU. Delete all values, except the value “Default”.

How to put the start button on the right side in the system tray, on top of the clock? A trick without the registry now. Press Ctrl + Esc, then Esc. Now press Alt + “-” (hyphen), choose “move” with the down arrow, and press Enter. Now, you can move the start button with the Right and left arrow-keys, and where you release the arrow key and press Enter, that’s where the start button will be.
