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Quake II Manual
Gloom Mod.

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This will have a set
of links for chats for
Q2 IRC channels,
forums, and more.











February 09 2009 - As you may have guessed, I am only reporting on here to let people know that I haven't done any Quake 2 in so long that I absolutely cannot remember how to edit Quake 2 anymore. The last time I edited this page was back in 2003 in July LOL. Anyways, I am not doing anything to this page as far as me doing anymore skins for Quake games. I do not do any editing anymore, nor do I have the care to. I reached the point in my life to where I have too many responsibilities to have the chance to sit down and do much... hence why I have not touched my webpage in many, many years. If you've come here in hopes for an updated Quake II page< I am sorry, but I don't play the game anymore. Thanks to all in the passed years who have helped me learning how to edit skins and edit Quake II and learn a lot of cool 3D work. - D347H (PS: you may catch me on RA3 as stoned420 or in Quake 4 DM as D347H on any east coast server or nearest)

Welcome to my new and improved Quake II Page. I am in the middle of redesigning this site for
better browsing.

The skins section features my very own skinning work that I have done in the past with others models. Some aren't real good cause they are the ones that I started on when I first began skinning. And most are really nice and colorful looking. Coming soon: Skins for Gloom mod done by me. Pictures will be posted of them so you can view them ahead of time before you decide to waste your time downloading.

In the Gloom Mod. section will have Pak files I will be making for that modification for Gloom.
Coming soon, GloomQ3 will be out, I am not sure when, but it is in the making right now with RXN. Can't wait!

The Quake II Manual - everyone that has bought Quake 2 has this in their Quake 2 directory in the 'docs' section. But why did I upload this? Because for people who have never played quake 2, it gives them a good idea of what the game is and how it is played.

The Animations section are just some animations of models doing various poses, flipping you off, waving, running, taunting, etc. I forgot what program I used to make them, but it allowed me to rip its frame animations, and I pasted them into Jasc Animation Shop.

The Screenshots, I have a bunch SS's for the Mod "Gloom" I promise to get more screenshots of other mods as well when I either download them, or play them for that matter.

The 'Home' link will bring you back to this introductory of my Quake 2 page. And 'Back to main page' will take you back to my main website titled The MOSH Pit where you can view my other websites as well.

Contact link is self explanatory. Click it if you wish to get a hold of me about any questions you may have - whether it'd be computer troubleshooting, problems with Quake 2, or... learning how to skin models. Or if you want to just bullshit, that is fine with me. But I rarely check my email, so if I don't respond within a few days, just be patient.

The Console/Cheats section is also explanatory. It has cheats for Quake 2 as well as other various console codes that may help you run Quake 2 to its best performance. But for me, I don't need it cause my comp rox :D Ok, I am gloating.

The Files/Tools section has a bunch of neato stuff. Even has Ratbot for llama's who like to cheat or can't aim worth a goddamn. And don't tell me that I use a bot cause the servers I go to anyways use bot protection like 99.9% of the servers.

Why the sudden change to the website, D347H? you may be asking. Well, people have told me that all of my websites are laid out the same, which most of them are for easier browsing. But this proves that I can design a website any way with no problems what-so-ever. :)


Official Website(s):

ID Software - The home of Quake.

Server Searches: - Play Quake 2 and other kick ass games online!

GameSpy - This is like Kali.

The All Seeing Eye - One of the best server searches made. No advertisements, no pop ups, nothing. Just pure servers. Works with any game that has online playability!

Download Sites:

Planet Quake - This site is all about the Quake series.

File Planet - Your source for all of your Quake 2 needs & other games.

Polycount - Where to get the Models!

Quake Demos - Demos and Downloads on GameSpot UK, the most comprehensive gaming site on the Web. Offers the most up-to-date news, reviews, features, demos, links, hints & tips , cheats, and tech ... - Another good site for Quake stuff.

  Modification Websites:

Gloom -, this website hosts the Mod, Gloom for Quake 2. Check it out and download it!

TFQ - Transformers Quake II, Transformer Models, info and more shit, check it out.

Fan/Player Websites:

Quake 2 Database - Very good website for Quake 2 stuff.


Quake 3 Links:

Quake 3 Arena