Aren't these sleeping babies the cutest?!?
I adopted these at:
Adopt an 80's Cartoon Cuties

Bottle Pets
This is my block Cranky
Bedtime Bear,
He was adopted on
<April 1, 2001>
Adopt your own
Care Bear at:
I adopted all of these wonderful little creatures at:
Starluck's Sweetwater Nymphs
I adopted these cute little baby dragons from:
All of these fabulous creatures were also adopted from:
Starluck's Sweetwater Nymphs
These are my pet rocks their names are Betsy Boulder, Pebbles, and Granite.
I adopted them at:
Billy Bear's Rock Collection
This is my hedgehog Comet, isn't he a cutie?
My Lucky Charm
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Email: angeldust_@hotmail.com