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Abuse Part 2 (Confession)

This is a track that was censored off of the original Smells Like Children EP.

[Boy]:I was babysitting my little cousin, and his father has these, this little stash of these little women magazines and everything. And I made him his like really down and little child.

[Man]:How old was he?


[Man]:Uh huh.

[Boy]:Really tiny and small and innocent and he showed me the magazines, where they were, and we were looking at them, and then, I played with his little inocent penis and I made him dance with me.

[Man]:Did you get a hard on?

[Boy]:Somewhat, it was kind of impossible.

[Man]:How did that make you feel?

[Boy]:At the time...

[Man]:Did you feel like you were doing something wrong or did you like it?

[Boy]:Both, I felt very powerful. Actually.

[Man]:What else did you do with him?

[Boy]:I orally gratified and whatever.

[Man]:Did you suck his dick?

[Boy]:Yes (mumbles) I just made him do things to me.

[Man]:What did he do to you? Did you make him touch you or what did you make him do?

[Boy]:I made him do all of those thngs.


[Boy]:I made him do all of those things.

[Man]:Do you want to be punished now for being bad?


[Man]:Go give me your belt (mumbles)
