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Devil in my Lunchbox

(An effected,distorted piece:half spoken,half sung)

Sometimes I'll just bring maybe an action figure or two.

You know...

Other times, I'll bring my garlic spread.

You know,the garlic spread...

The garlic spread's important.

And then you just walk around,

And the people always come up

And they're always sayin',

"Whaddya got in yer lunchbox?"

"For the most part, it's usually my lunch,

You goddamn cunt."

I get so mad.

But you know...


Sometimes I'll just...

I just


"Hit it!"

There's a devil in my lunchbox!

There's a devil in my lunchbox!

He's right over there

Next to the peanut butter and jelly sandwich

And the banana.

That's right.

There is a devil in my lunchbox.

There is a devil in my lunchbox.

He's just hangin' out

By the peanut butter and jelly sandwich

And the banana

That sometimes you gotta bruise

Like one of them strippers at the Peach Tree Lounge.

That's on Power Line Road,

Right next to the pound,

By the 7-11.

Devil in my lunchbox!

There's a devil in my lunchbox!

He's just hangin' out

By the peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

There is a devil.

There is a devil.

There is a devil in my lunchbox!

There is a devil in my lunchbox!

Devil,devil,devil in my lunchbox.

(Repeat Several Times)

There's a devil in my lunchbox!
