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"What I want to know is who the f*ck wears Birkenstocks to a punk-rock show?!?"~Mark Hoppus, Blink 182

Hey! Welcome to my page. To get one thing straight before a trade is arranged, all I have to offer is on audio. I can't trade videos, but I will trade for videos...mmmm'k? With that settled, please look around at what I've got.

If you have icq, my number is 12097015, that way we can set up a trade quicker.

I've set up a Photo Gallery of pictures I/friends have taken..could they be of Garbage? Of Blink 182? Of Silverchair? Well, yeah...

I have set up a What's New? page just so you can check whenever I update any bootlegs or traders, or if I add news to my page.

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