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B-sides, live and acoustic (45 min, A/B+)

Setlist: Happy Hour, Hateful, Peensylvania Is..., Loser Makes Good, Sparkle, Fire Maple Song, Santa Monica, Heroin Girl, Summerland Tracks 1-2 b-sides, tracks 3-6 live, 7-9 acoustic

Live on 102.1 xx-xx-98 (60 min, A)

Setlist: Loser Makes Good, Elektra Made Me Blind, El Distorto De Melodica, Interview, Normal Like You, Heroin Girl, Amphetamine, Interview, Everything To Everyone, Santa Monica, Local God, Sin City

Local God from Romeo and Juliet sdtk

Swing from Scream 2 sdtk

Send your e-mails to either Sarah or Lindsay.
