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Kurt tuning his guitar,Pretty High (Kurt), Verse Chord Verse (Kurt), Even In His Youth, D-7, Marijuana, Marigold, I Hate Myself, Spank Thru, D-7(album version), Here She Comes Now, Help Me, Oh, The Guilt, It's Closing Soon(Kurt and Courtney), Baba O'Reilly (Who cover), The End (Doors cover), In His Hands, Pay To Play

*Before you ask, I don't know the date or location of these recordings*

Salem xx-xx-93

Setlist: Breed, Seve The Servants, Come As You Are, Smells Like Teen Spirit, Sliver, In Bloom, About A Girl, Lithium, Pennyroyal Tea, School, Polly, Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seatle, Rape Me, Territorial Pissings, The Man Who Sold the World, All Apologies, On A Plain, Scentless Apprentice, Heart-Shaped Box

Milan 2-25-94

Setlist: Radio Friendly Unit Shifter, Drain You, Breed, Serve The Servants, Comes As You Are, Smells Like Teen Spirit, Sliver, Dumb, In Bloom, Pennyroyal Tea, School, Polly, Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seatle, Verse Chord Verse, Rape Me, Territorial Pissings, All Apologies, On A Plain, Scentless Apprentice, Heart-Shaped Box

Send your e-mails to Lindsay.
