K, here is what I have to trade so far.
Sorry, but everything here is AUDIO, though I am willing to trade for videos, it's just that I can't tape videos. Check my WANTS page to see what I want or other bands I wouldn't mind trading for. I WILL make one small exception...I can put all my singles onto a cd for you if you offer something I really want...I'd be willing to do that if it's a worthy trade. Also come see all the WONDERFUL people I've traded with.
I'm not too anal about my rules, so if there is something you don't agree with, let me know and we can come to some kind of agreement, k?
1. Please use type II tapes for recording (Maxell prefered)
2. Please don't write on the J-cards - send set lists on a separate piece of paper
3. Please don't send cases (unless you ask me about it first)
4. Send all tapes in a padded envelop.
5. If you are a first time trader with me, I will wait for your tapes to come in first, then I will send out yours...I've been screwed over too many times. Don't worry, if you send my tapes, you will get yours.
6. Most importantly:
Please note: at the moment, I can not trade CDRs, I will let you know when that option is available again. Sorry =(
If it's not already on the net, I can post your list on my page, just send me your stuff!
Send your e-mails to either Sarah or Lindsay.