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Wherein the author "" shares his sordid history of messageboard use and abuse. Feel free to contribute.

© dingledorf Chuck Palahniuk: A board for fans of author Chuck P., known mostly for authoring "Fight Club"....

© dingledorf Somethingawful: Message board for, which contains a smaller percentage of the funney. But it makes up the difference with pr0n, mp3s, l33t photoshoppery, and other sorts of tomfoolery. Where I waste most of my time when I'm at work.

© dingledorf ButtholeSurfers Forum: Surprisingly enough, there are still people who listen to the butthole surfers, despite the fact that they are buttholes! This is where to go if you want to communicate with them...just don't mention Touch-N-Go!
© dingledorf Hill's ween forum: Where all fuckers and cunts go to discuss the browness that is ween... can you taste the waste?...
© dingledorf TheForce.NET: Are you a fan of Starwars? I mean, can you recite the entire OT SE in it's entirety, and name every character siting in the background? Then you just might be qualified to participate in these forums! HerzogZwo is currently fighting hard to unban himself from this one...I guess it wasn't a good idea to introduce Sean Rohwedder to the board... He immediately created a post suggesting the new trilogy sucks hairy balls.
© dingledorf ISS 1998: A message board for the best series of soccer games for the N64. Sparsley populated, but several arse-holes make their presence felt...

© dingledorf

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Special Bonus! Setlist from Ween's historic first show in NE!
Lincoln, NE
The Royal Grove