BALLS, BALLS, AND MORE BALLS Using different type of balls during a match. Magnetic Ball - If the ball is left on the ground, the ball becomes attracted to the nearest player (all players are assumed to be wearing some kind of armour) and will move D3 squares towards him at the end of every turn (roll a D6 incase of ties, highest wins). If for any reason (including Passing and Blocking) a player must release the ball, roll a D6. On a 4-6 he MUST keep hold of it even if he has been knocked over (He must be fouled out of the way). If the player passes another player with a higher Armour Value the he stops moving and Blcoks him with a -1 Strength modifier as the ball and player are attracted towards him. This doesn't count as the teams blitz. Players in the same square as a magnetic ball temporarily count as having Sure Hands. Explosive Balls - At the end of each turn, roll a D6. On a 1, the ball explodes. Anyone holding it is automatically injured, roll for injury. Any players in adjacent squares are knocked over. Roll for Armour and Injury as normal. Enchanted Balls - The ball has been enchanted before the kickoff by the stadiums wizard. Before each kickoff roll a D6. ENCHANTED BALL CHART Any player holding it gets a -1 modifier to 1 all dice rolls. If left on the ground, the ball will move 3 squares randomly at the begining of every turn. 2 The ball is treated as an explosive ball. All replacement balls are also Enchanted. The ball starts playing for the receiving team. Opposing players have a -1 modifier 3 to all dice rolls. If left on the ground, the ball will move 3 squares towards the opposing endzone. The ball Teleports itself. Roll a d6 at the 4 start of each players turn. n a 4-6 it teleports itself a d6 sqaures in a random direction (not the carrier). If the ball is being carried roll a d6. The 5 ball teleports like in 4, but the carrier goes with it. 6 Plays like a roll of 3 but plays for the kicking team. Sticky Balls - Must have a Halfling to field a sticky ball. Anyone holding the ball gains Sure Hands and gets -1 modifier while passing. The skill is lost once the player is no longer carrying the ball. Floating Balls - Must have a Goblin to field a Floating ball. When throwing the ball, the band is changed to Long Pass = Short, Short = Quick and a -1 modifier to all catches. Whenever the ball is being passed, or if it is on the groudn at the end of a turn, roll a d6. On a 1 (1 or 2 if it was a long bomb) the ball floats away and the game has to start with a new normal ball. Floating balls scatter twice as fas as normal. Iron Balls - Must have a Dwarf to field an Iron Ball. The ball may only be picked up if the player rolls equal to or under his strength on a d6 first (a 6 is always a failure). Another roll must be taken before passing at anything over Quick. This time with a +2 modifier. Any player holding an iron ball may not go for it or dodge but may add +1 to his strength when blocking. Any player who catches an iron ball must roll equal to or under his strength or get knocked over (1 always succeeds and 6 always fails). Roll for armour and injury as normal. Spiked Balls - When passing, not handing off, make a second agility roll if successfully caught for the catcher with a +1 modifier. If failed the ball acts as if it's blocking the catcher with the following strength: Quick - 2, Short - 3, Long - 4, Bomb - 5 If the catcher is not knocked down the catch is successful. If he is then it scatters as normal. A Spiked ball may bepassed to adjacent squares to avoid this but will scatter as normal. There are 2 ways to use the ball as a weapon. First, as a missle. Pass the ball to an opposing player as normal. This can't be done at Long o Bomb ranges. The ball has the following strength: Quick - 5, Short - 6 The player is not knocked over then he may attempt to catch the ball as normal but with a -2 modifier. The second method is to use it as a handheld weapon. In this instance it adds +1 to the players strength Squig ball - Must have an Orc or Goblin to field a Squig ball. At the begining of the kicking players turn it will try to move towards the nearest pitch edge blocking anything that gets in the way. If it reaches the edge, it is thrown back in by the crowd. Anyone holding the Squig has a -1 modifier to all actions because of the Squigs squirming. NAME MA ST AG AV SKILLS Squig Ball 3 2 3 N/A Stunty ,Right Stuff Multiple balls - (Modifications below) 1. May use any number of balls, any type, chosen at random or by agreement. 2. Each player may only carry as many balls as he has hands. You can score multiple TD's. 3. Each team kicks off half of the balls to the opposing team. Extra balls are kicked by the team that will move first. Any balls landing out of bounds are either left on the pitch or thrown in by the crowd. 4. Multiple passes may be made in each turn but only one pass per ball. 5. Balls that are replaced because they become out of play (lost or destroyed) are given to the nearest player to his own end zone on the team that had the ball before it was lost. If no one had it, roll a d6 to see who gets it. 6. After a TD, the ball is given to any player on the opposing team as long as he is still standing and within 5 squares of the edge of the pitch in his own half. If no one is available it is thrown to the nearest available player. Play continues as normal. 7. Reserves may only come in at Half-time. Chaos Effect. - If one of the teams playing involve Chaos or if you feel like it you may roll 2d6 for each ball in the following table to get a random selection: CHAOS EFFECT CHART ROLL EFFECT 2 Squig 3 Magnetic 4 Explosive 5-7 Normal 8 Spiked 9 Sticky 10 Floating 11 Enchanted 12 Iron